Example sentences of "[noun] have [been] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My client and his girlfriend have been together for some six year , they have three children aged six , five and four .
2 But performances have been consistently below par for too long and drastic action needs to be taken .
3 The contributions to this issue have been mainly from the London staff but this should be more balanced next issue as I 'll be chasing you lot in Canterbury for contributions .
4 " Signs of a coming plateau have been there for a long time and are now getting better and better " , according to independent consultant Richard Kimberlin .
5 As a result , the major dividing lines have been less between the craft and industrial unionism dimensions than between , on the one hand , secular and confessional ( generally Catholic ) unionism , and reform-oriented ( mainly socialist ) or revolutionary ( communist or syndicalist ) unionism on the other ( Windmüller , 1974 ) .
6 As far as health and safety is concerned , Les Bell , Scottish region director and head of the UK professional and financial division of Sedgwick , said , ‘ directors have been personally in the firing line for some time ’ .
7 The French team have been together since Sunday — and even that was not enough for Fouroux .
8 The 18 months that Del Amitri have been away from the spotlight have n't been wasted and they 've come up with some belting songs to prove it .
9 With a brass section that cheerfully joined in any chorus they could remember complete with formation instrument swaying and excellent drums , double bass and guitar , it was easy to see that this band have been all over the world together .
10 At the same time problems have been much in evidence .
11 The changes have been entirely on the asset side of the balance sheet .
12 But in recent years his plays have been more about the paradoxical nature of dissidence itself : the emotional turbulence of the authority given the individual as a public spokesman , and about the fact that one of the worst features of any totalitarian system is the need to conform to other people 's expectations .
13 The marketing drive is their latest attempt to commercialise space and earn hard currency , Until now any deals have been largely through the Soviet Space Agency , Glvacosmos .
14 On other occasions committees have been generally in support of government action but have urged that it be undertaken more vigorously : the Defence Committee has been critical of the Ministry of Defence when it has spent less than the sums provided in the annual estimates .
15 Erm the n the net movements between Cleveland and North Yorkshire as a whole have been respectively for nineteen eighty eight , four hundred and fifty five persons , for nineteen eighty nine , two hundred and twenty nine persons , er for nineteen ninety , two hundred and forty persons , nineteen ninety one , three hundred and thirty seven persons , and for nineteen ninety three , because I missed the figures for ninety two for some reason , they 're not there , er five hundred and ninety nine .
16 For instance , many firms have been perpetually on the brink of buying up a broker but brokers are often quick to deny it .
17 Whatever the outcome , CRII-RAD are highly critical of CEA in the affair and say that the official CEA figures have been well below the real plutonium levels at the site .
18 For many years , urban finance has been a system with which very few practitioners or academics have been totally at ease and procedures governing local-government funding have become more convoluted in the 1980s .
19 You think of the people , I mean , these people have been there for all those years
20 Indeed , all the staff have been away on courses on this .
21 Some of the staff have been here for twenty years .
22 Aerospatiale and Socata have been there since 1911 and will probably be there for the next 80 years , whether they buy Piper or not .
23 Drummer Larry , bassman Adam and guitarist The Edge have been together with Bono since schooldays .
24 On the one hand , ethnic minorities currently settled in Britain have been here for a relatively short period of time , and it seems that circumstances of migration and initial settlement are conditions under which support between siblings assumes greater significance than it might otherwise do — a point illustrated by the patterns of chain migration and of joint households which I discussed earlier in this chapter .
25 In other fields — most notably those concerned with computers — both France and Britain have been far from successful .
26 The Muses have been traditionally at war with Christ , ever since the period of late classical antiquity , when Jerome and Augustine both viewed literary excellence with the gravest suspicion .
27 Previous investments in Eastern Europe have been mainly in the form of joint ventures .
28 Hole have been right up front with the anger thanks to newly pregnant Mrs Cobain , Courtney Love .
29 The Americans have been here since 1950 .
30 Moreover , there is a coincidence between centres of dispersal and enclaves of diversity among Amazonian languages and the plant and animal ‘ refugia ’ , but humans have been there for perhaps only 6000 years .
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