Example sentences of "[noun] have be [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the past few days shoppers have been paying one last visit to the store , many angered by a trend which has seen Liverpool stripped of many of its landmark shops .
2 Milkmen have been collecting tinned foods and medicine from their customers to help the needy in the Russian town of Kostroma , which is twinned with County Durham .
3 OVER the last two weeks special couriers have been delivering mysterious brown paper packages to literary editors around London .
4 For behind the public posturings , there 's no doubt that both of these gentlemen have been having more than a little local difficulty with their respective parties .
5 Competition is cut-throat and it seems some of the designers have been taking some dodgy tabs ( or suffering from over-worked stress syndrome ) , as the high-top becomes more and more ridiculous .
6 The world 's top fashion designers have been creating spectacular outfits to help raise funds for the charity Oxfam in its fiftieth year .
7 Recently , car manufacturers have been offering big discounts in a bid to sell more in a depressed market .
8 Although he has yet to win since his comeback , The Committee 's performances have been improving most of the time .
9 But already candidates have been holding informal sessions , enticing potential voters with great banquets of slaughtered sheep .
10 One-colour borders have been enjoying renewed popularity recently , and Mr Fothergill 's Seeds has come up with the perfect quick answer to monochrome gardening .
11 Farther north , in the Jaffna peninsula , where the rebels are strong , government aircraft have been bombing civilian areas .
12 Fan have been growing bored with the sex and drugs and rock and roll syndrome .
13 To talk up the prospects of change , some note that Japanese life insurers have been demanding bigger dividends lately .
14 ‘ The gangs have been going 23 years .
15 They say gangs of youngsters have been targeting elderly people in the town centre and stealing purses from them .
16 Since the 1950s parents have been accumulating more ( and always better ) consumer goods , domestic appliances , automobiles and luxuries .
17 Millions of parents have been saying this for months .
18 Lyons have been selecting fine teas for almost 100 years .
19 Together Skylark have been bringing this music far beyond these shores , to Europe , America and even Australia , so it 's a delight to welcome them back to the Harp Folk Club after an absence of five years .
20 If Barnes is this irreplaceable in the nation 's best club side it again raises the question of what England have been missing all these years .
21 It is as much as US companies have been spending each year to advertise cigarettes …
22 The increase will not be matched by dividend rises — too many companies have been paying more than they could afford over the past two years and need to repair their reserves and ratios — but 7 p.c. growth looks reasonable .
23 The world price for tin is high and so companies have been opening new larger mines in Cornwall .
24 Over recent years , environmental concerns have been driving genuine environmental improvements across a wide range of processes and products .
25 Recently East Hampshire District Council have been making some preliminary interviews of local applicants .
26 Even independently of each other the topics of dementia and care at home have been arousing enormous interest , not only among elderly people in need of care or support and among their relatives and friends , but also among service-providers , policymakers and planners .
27 Since then those lines have been undergoing separate evolution , giving rise to yet further , more recent branches .
28 ‘ Russian and Lithuania have been dumping cheap products on the UK market , and our understanding is that the Commission has now found that they have caused material damage to the UK industry .
29 ‘ Russian and Lithuania have been dumping cheap products on the UK market and our understanding is that the Commission has now found that they have caused material damage to the UK industry .
30 Maintenance crews have been working 18-hour shifts to repair the damage .
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