Example sentences of "[noun] 's have [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Sentences with subjects having definite referents , such as ( 80 ) , assert the definite referent 's having performed the infinitival event based on the fact that perception of this event took place , and , as stated above , this means that the definite referent 's having performed this action must be significant enough to be stated as a fact ( known through the perceptual event having taken place ) .
2 If unc is the wavefunction at a point on the detecting screen corresponding to the electron 's having traversed the first slit , and P , the associated probability , and if unc and P , are the similar quantities for slit 2 , the rules I have just stated imply unc Then , in the case when both slits are open , the probability unc let us call it ) is just given by unc The quantities unc and unc are what we called probability amplitudes ( p. 88 ) .
3 The third report , from the Gulf navigation service MENAS , was of Iran 's having declared the half of the Gulf adjacent to its coastline a war zone and ordering merchant shipping to keep out .
4 Substantial doubts had been raised by the difficultly of Coleman 's having committed the crime in the short space of time for which he had no alibi on the night of the murder , and by numerous statements gathered after the trial attesting that another resident of the small town of Grundy had boasted of having committed the crime .
5 For five years after her departure , Edinburgh castle was loyally held in the queen 's name under the command of her secretary , William Maitland of Lethington , and the distinguished soldier Sir William Kirkcaldy of Grange , in spite of Kirkcaldy 's having led the forces opposed to her at Langside .
6 Earlier generations had already noticed the odd consequences which followed from Aristotle 's having seen the human condition as unquestionably that of an Athenian gentleman , and Kant 's having seen it as that of a Prussian bourgeois .
7 Husameddin , apparently basing his statements on no more than reasonable assumptions , states that " a few years alter his return from Egypt he was appointed muderris at the Manastir medrese ; and he at least implies that the appointment resulted from Molla Fenari 's having won the favour of the Grand Vezir Candarli Hayreddin Halil Pasa , who died in 789/1387 .
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