Example sentences of "[noun] were [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Motion pictures were to develop into the great mass entertainment of the twentieth century but they had first been shown in the cities of the late nineteenth century and both as an industry and as a social activity they were never to lose characteristics that had been determined at their birth .
2 They urged that if the loyalist political parties were to go into the convention without having in reserve the weapon of the general strike , they would be as naked and helpless as Aneurin Bevan , the post-war foreign secretary , had said Britain would be in international councils if she were unilaterally to discard her nuclear weapons .
3 For Behaviouralists , the path to knowledge was via the collection of observable data ; regularities within the data were to lead to the framing and testing of hypotheses , from which theories would be constructed .
4 It was on the last day of 1988 that he began the experiments whose data were to appear in the published paper .
5 The lower clergy were to pay at the reduced rate of the 1254 valuation , but , far more significantly , the tax was to be collected , supervised and delivered to the king by the clergy themselves — a procedure thereafter tenaciously preserved by Winchelsey and his successors .
6 If voices were to end at the same time as their canonic function ended they would fall out one by one , as in a round .
7 Did Benjamin carry secret orders from his uncle that Selkirk and Ruthven were to die for the common good ?
8 Tom Foley , the speaker of the House of Representatives , has said that if the president were to ask for the authority to use force , there is a presumption that he would get it .
9 the end cha , the end of the chapter said that if parents were to re-take on the role of educating and disciplining children within the home
10 The only possible savings would be from reductions in the number of teachers in the maintained schools , which would come about if parents were to stick to the survey preferences that they indicated for the independent sector .
11 I remember watching the television report showing him standing over a map in the local Party headquarters , sweeping his hand across it presumably indicating which areas were to disappear from the face of the earth .
12 The commissioners were to report to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office , after which any recommended changes in the constitution would be voted upon in the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly .
13 Somewhat ironically , given the role bankers were to play in the conspiracy theory , she was the daughter of a director of Barclay 's Bank .
14 If Elves were to sail to the Isle today they would find the High Elf mages of old , caught like flies in amber , still chanting their ages-long spells to preserve the balance of the world .
15 Throughout the 1970s all of these elements were to feature in the Council 's attempts to find the appropriate balances under its Charter , and to handle the increasingly complex range of subjects and institutions .
16 Its terms of reference were to look at the management of the financial and manpower resources of the NHS .
17 The columns were to merge in the Hammersmith Road at 6.30 , an hour and a half before the rally .
18 If the same could be said of the English army ( with this difference , that the nobility was totally committed to Henry V , who had complete control over it ) matters were to change under the rule of the duke of Bedford , acting in the name of the young Henry VI .
19 Just as the drainers had previously arrived as outsiders on the wetland commons , so the conservationists were to wade into the wetland issue , often importing their perspectives from outside .
20 In Figure 9.9 this would occur if the boundary between the solid and liquid phases were to move to the right as pressures get large .
21 It has established diplomatic and trade relations with South Korea and its rapidly growing economy would only suffer if a war were to start across the border .
22 Elsewhere in Asia , stations were to emerge as the prime symbols of European power only at the end of the century .
23 Ten more days were to pass before the longed for interruption to Huy 's humdrum existence occurred .
24 And if Pig Street were to fall under the axe , there would be a real rag-bag of properties of every sort razed to the ground , including — from the sublime to the ridiculous — a tennis court and a dung pit :
25 The armies of the centre group were to move through the Ardennes in the direction of Rheims , the central Meuse and Verdun , and Heeringen 's force was to repel any French offensive into Alsace .
26 Imagine the consequences if its entire contents were to escape into the atmosphere .
27 Under a plan to which all factions had consented , the AFL troops were to assemble at the Barclay Training Centre and Camp Schiefflin , in Monrovia , the Liberian capital .
28 If costs were to alter by the following proportions :
29 Henniker and I were to be taken up to Mr. Ingard 's room , Spalding and Miss Robinson were to go to the offices allotted to us on the second floor .
30 Only the highest or the most favoured guests were to live in the tent city , and so , inevitably , the fighting between socialites to ensure places there was fierce .
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