Example sentences of "[noun] were at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Manager Alan Murray , assistant manager Eddie Kyle and McAndrew were at the Northern League club at the same time .
2 Confronting the referee over his mug of vodka , I insisted that he call the game off as it was obvious the five Chamden lads were at a complete disadvantage against our full team .
3 He came in when the lads were at a low ebb somewhere on the ocean bed .
4 I planted the polystyrene marker , scattered some flake maize , sweetcorn and broken lobs around it , then headed back to shore where my two rods were at the ready for casting out .
5 The issue , which had allowed successive governments to mobilize national sentiment , had surfaced at a time when Serrano 's popularity ratings were at an all-time low .
6 In India we missionaries were at a loose end .
7 Somebody told you that Vecchi and the girl were at the Regal Arms .
8 Most measurements made in this work were at a fixed frequency of 1,592Hz .
9 There are complicating factors , of course In the depression of the thirties suicide rates for those out of work were at an all time high , but the suicide rate among the retired also increased It might be argued from this that economic uncertainty rather than unemployment per se is the cause .
10 We used to work eight hour shifts — morning , evening and night — and of these the night duties were at the same time the most boring and the most exciting , depending on whether there was anything ‘ on ’ .
11 Now the thing about this crew and the crews that you were talking about from the Hundredth Bomb Group , the , I guess the most famous crew from the Hundred Bomb Group is with the Roses Rivetus Now our crews were at the same time .
12 The newspapers embarked on a steady reporting of rape and sexual assault cases , alleged to be on the increase , although official figures stated that sex offences were at a 10-year low .
13 Admittedly , the weather was worse , English fortunes were at a low ebb , and the higher charges may well have deterred many people , especially the Caribbean fans ; but one suspects that some thousands of people simply could not face the prospect of yet another day almost entirely given over to fast bowling .
14 Peter and Gwenda Dixon were at the wrong place , at the wrong time .
15 The shift between 1931 and 1951 is particularly significant , since the former census was taken during a period of heavy unemployment when employment opportunities for older workers were at a low level and public opinion did not favour efforts to promote it ; whilst in 1951 the exact opposite conditions prevailed .
16 In 1870 Stroudley was appointed locomotive and carriage superintendent of the London , Brighton , and South Coast Railway at a time when its locomotives , rolling-stock , and workshops were at a low ebb .
17 It was odd when he came to think about it , but every now and again one or two of them would be posted , yet the five men who had accompanied him from Cranwell , and whose beds were at the far end of the hut , were still here .
18 With regard to the right hon. Gentleman 's earlier remarks about opting in , I suggest that he discusses that matter with his right hon. Friends who would have signed the treaty in full without waiting to see what the economic conditions were at a later stage .
19 One autumn day towards the end of 1973 , Bernard was driving through Oxford and , as was his wont , stopped off to see how things were at the local shop .
20 Assuming a constant rate of inflation of 5 per cent per annum , the real value of the relief would decline by a compounded figure of 39 per cent over 10 years and , if inflation were at a constant 10 per cent per annum , the corresponding decline would be 61 per cent .
21 Lloyds ' figures were at the top end of market expectations and , combined with an inflation-beating 11 per cent rise in the final dividend to 12.5p , helped the shares firm 6p to 534p yesterday .
22 Though the figures were at the top end of City expectations while the company is in the middle of a four-year business plan , the shares fell 2p to 168p .
23 The figures were at the top end of expectations and Bunzl 's shares firmed 2p to 132p .
24 Enjoying immunities from various forms of taxation and from administrative interference by the State , the monasteries were at a distinct advantage in accumulating land and retaining scarce peasant labour , and they benefited from a flow of bequests by repentant sons of the Church .
25 When , for example , some weaving households were at an adverse point in their family cycles , they might welcome the chance to work longer hours than the typical factory shift .
26 Smith , Gregg and Andrews ( 1989 ) devised the following ranking of selection methods with respect to their predictive validity : graphology and astrology were at the same level as chance prediction , references and interviews were a little higher , then structured interviews , then biodata , personality tests and assessment centres for performance , then ability tests and work sample tests and finally , at the highest level , assessment centres for promotion .
27 Unlike previous years the majority of sales were at the cheapest end of the price range , between £100 and £500 with works at the top price of £1,750 harder to shift .
28 Overuse can lead to pollution , declining groundwater levels and , eventually , to trouble of one sort or another ; internecine feuds were reported in southern Spain in the summer of 1983 when river levels were at an all-time low .
29 The fortunes of wartime Britain were at a low ebb in July 1941 .
30 Ozone levels over much of North America and Europe were at the lowest levels on record in February , at between 9 and 20 per cent below normal , following a winter of persistently depleted levels .
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