Example sentences of "[noun] were take by the " in BNC.

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1 Western journalists were taken by the Iraqi authorities to the site , where more than 300 bodies — including those of at least 91 children — were recovered , many burnt beyond recognition , and it was feared that many others remained buried in the wreckage .
2 On March 21 foreign journalists were taken by the Iraqi authorities to Karbala .
3 In 1435 both Dieppe and Harfleur were taken by the French and in the next year Paris went the same way .
4 The book also reveals that a handful of British POWs from the Korean War were taken by the Russians and not returned . ’
5 ‘ They do say , ’ said Cathbad , ‘ that if you ever found your way to the Prison of Hostages , you would find all the children whose hearts were given to the Conablaiche during that time , and whose souls were taken by the Lad .
6 Vogel 's watercolours were taken by the occupying forces to Germany but in 1946 were successfully claimed back and returned .
7 The load forces were taken by the centre hole in the wheel resting on the flange on the end of the axle .
8 But since Henry himself regularly attended meetings it is likely that the most significant decisions were taken by the group that was with him , whether it was the larger body sitting at Westminster or a smaller attendant body on progress .
9 Above all , the school-leaving age should be raised to sixteen , and this , if an early decision were taken by the Minister , could be achieved in the year 1969/70 .
10 Before Tet , Vietnam could be a place where an unpleasant war was being fought , some might even know that 525,000 American troops were stationed in the country , that the United States was convulsed by the issue , but as the NLF penetrated the US embassy in Saigon , and as its troops had to be beaten out , one by one , millions of people , and hundreds of thousands of western radicals were taken by the idea that the emperor might be dangerous , was dangerous , but had no clothes .
11 Goose Green , Port Darwin and Mount Kent were taken by the British .
12 In some cases the need for knowledge of the businesses meant that a large number of specialist journals were taken by the corporate planning department and circulated within corporate head office .
13 His remains were taken by the " Islay " to Port Ellen for burial at Kilnaughton .
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