Example sentences of "[noun] were [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 Protective monocles were squeezed into the orbits of the combatants ' eyes .
2 Some indeed were heavily decorated ; at Hedenham in Cambridgeshire the table had seven legs , while at Townstall in Devon the bulbous-shaped legs were carved into the forms of allegorical beasts .
3 She looked up to see that Belle had n't made it : her legs were dangling into the corridor .
4 In the years that followed Funakoshi 's arrival in Japan several other styles were introduced into the country by other Okinawan masters .
5 Last week Frankfurt finalised the WOMBAT negotiations with Albania and Mongolia , and their currencies were absorbed into the Global Numismatic Unit ( GNU ) , so named because one specimen was ‘ minted ’ ( made in metallic hard-copy form ) into what our grandmothers used to know as a ‘ coin ’ .
6 Metropolitan and other English detectives were seconded to Northern Ireland and a number of English recruits were enrolled into the RUC .
7 Inside the ground , flares were fired into the England sheep pens after both goals by some Dutch klootzak , and coins and a chair or two flung back by some English dickheads .
8 Motion pictures were to develop into the great mass entertainment of the twentieth century but they had first been shown in the cities of the late nineteenth century and both as an industry and as a social activity they were never to lose characteristics that had been determined at their birth .
9 This was seen as a reference to the attitude of China which indicated it might withdraw if Taiwan were admitted into the group .
10 These modified C-terminal fragments were subcloned into the NdeI and BamHI sites of the His-tagged expression vector , pET15b .
11 During the Japanese occupation of Korea ( 1910–1945 ) Japanese influences were introduced into the existing Korean martial arts .
12 They urged that if the loyalist political parties were to go into the convention without having in reserve the weapon of the general strike , they would be as naked and helpless as Aneurin Bevan , the post-war foreign secretary , had said Britain would be in international councils if she were unilaterally to discard her nuclear weapons .
13 Before washing we first cleaned any food residue using earth , pine needles or grass ; utensils were pushed into the earth until they were clean then we washed in the soapy water ; rinsed , then dipped into a pot of boiling water to sterilize .
14 Injections were made into the vitreous by placing the needle just posterior to the corneoscleral junction , and the success of the injection was confirmed by ensuring that the pupillary response was eliminated .
15 Not only were there French troops , but Frenchmen were infiltrated into the royal household , and even into the higher levels of government .
16 I do n't want to document my thesis at length , but Slovak conflict with Czechs , Croat conflict with Serbs , could not exist before 1918 when these peoples were put into the same states .
17 Travel writer Mark Wallington had stories to tell of his south London-born dog Boogie , ‘ a cross between a whippet and a Morris 1000 ’ , star of Five Hundred Mile Walkies , and how at a promising sounding signing session at Harrods , John Julius Norwich and Jilly Cooper were led into the Books Department while he and Boogie were ushered into the Pet Department .
18 The ground was split and vast chunks of rock were carried into the sky by the rising tide of magic .
19 Farm animals were brought into the woods and parks to provide food if Paris were to suffer a prolonged siege .
20 Then the bellowing animals were driven into the torrent .
21 Instead of being directly involved , radical supporters were diverted into the groups where their thoughts could be sifted and selected at will .
22 The postman came just as the grownups were moving into the parlour .
23 If this chemical were released into the air surrounding the leaves , it would act as a first line of defence , repelling aphids with an eye on predation .
24 One general spoke of ‘ unforeseeable consequences ’ if US war planes escorting transport aircraft were drawn into the conflict .
25 Jack and Wise were thrown into the water , but scrambled back onto the aircraft , which remained afloat .
26 No frogs developed if nuclei from adult frogs were placed into the egg .
27 And at one point , showing how the books were formed into the New Testament by the early Church , the report expressed the belief that God gave the early Church its three gifts of ordering of the New Testament , creeds like the apostles ' creed , and the ministry of bishops in their succession from the apostles .
28 From the observation post on the Residency roof Mr Ford reported that new contingents of sepoys were streaming into the enemy lines from every direction .
29 With the final umbrella of the Charter , which theoretically laid down the principles of the paper and what it stood for , the last bricks were put into the edifice .
30 All told , 10 backbenchers were brought into the Government , including Mr Alistair Burt ( Bury North ) who becomes junior minister at Social Security ; Mr Steve Norris ( Epping Forest ) , Parliamentary Private Secretary to the former Home Secretary , Mr Kenneth Baker , becomes Under-Secretary at the Transport Department ; and Mr Gwylim Jones ( Cardiff North ) becomes Welsh Under-Secretary .
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