Example sentences of "[noun] were [verb] the same " in BNC.

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1 The dogs who attacked Becky were destroyed the same day .
2 Kindred associations in the funeral industry were feeling the same .
3 This means that the taxation system in Britain became more regressive , since all those living in particular areas were charged the same , regardless of their ability to pay .
4 Yes , oh aye I Yes , we You had to measure , and in those days , the councils were grouped in what they called Assessment Committee Areas , and each were wor making sure the other areas were using the same sort of basis .
5 Within a generation or two aristocratic Christians were pursuing the same interests as their pagan ancestors .
6 Harvard dealers were granted the same perk and for that reason kept it concealed from clients , even if it would swing the sale .
7 Jehan nodded , and he saw that others in the room were doing the same .
8 A pair of identical twins of very similar abilities were taught the same topic by teachers of greatly different experience .
9 Although an earlier check with the weather office predicted a favourable wind for that evening , it did not materialize and conditions were to remain the same the following day when only one Spitfire was delivered by F/C Heering who had flown direct from Brize Norton .
10 As a comparison , he pointed out that if the entire population of China were set the same task , it would take them more than four hours to complete it .
11 Broadly parallel announcements were made the same day in respect of Wales and Scotland .
12 In fact there was no paradox , for it was the theoretical assumption that speech and writing were fulfilling the same functions and the inability to recognise their separate characters that made it possible to use one as the model for the other .
13 Non-radioactive oligonucleotide duplexes were prepared the same way by mixing 2 pmol each of the complementary strands .
14 Jack Adams , the unions ' chief negotiator , said they would be seeking to ensure production staff were paid the same as those doing similar jobs at Jaguar — in which Ford recently took a stake — who were earning up to £34 a week more .
15 Other right-wing intellectuals were making the same point .
16 One reason is that , if each firm were charged the same price or tax for a marginal unit of pollution , then every firm would pollute up to the point at which the marginal cost of reducing pollution was equal to the price of pollution .
17 Consider life expectancy , a measure indicating the number of years a newborn infant could typically be expected to live if patterns of mortality prevailing for all people in the year of its birth were to stay the same throughout its life .
18 The main anxiety about diet which I heard expressed , at least by the administration , was that with the introduction of ‘ fast food ’ facilities , prisoners were showing the same dietary self-destructive tendencies as young teenagers traditionally have done .
19 But what it does show was that , in 1979 , small savers were treated the same as larger savers .
20 Almost as many men died behind the lines as did from going over the top , an old sergeant told Charlie , and it did n't help to know that the Germans were suffering the same problems a few hundred yards away .
21 A team of over 100 scientists was working to produce a weapon of almost inconceivable power , ‘ their moral scruples overcome by the fascination of the research and the haunting fear that the Germans were following the same path ’ .
22 And I had er had given myself a target of five thousand for Leith so I turned up the next and made my five thousand in fact I made five thousand and fifty signatures for the h and I believe myself if , if every branch were doing the same as I had been doing then we would have no problem at all in getting a hundred thousand signatures which is our aim .
23 Is n't it time that members standing for C E C elections were given the same equality with Regional Secretaries , who as we all know , all year round , in all regions , when a leaflet or a booklet goes out to members , in most of them there is a photograph of the Regional Secretary .
24 ‘ Although Chris and I had divorced , we still played together , standing three feet from each other , and Lindsey and Stevie were doing the same number .
25 Other young fellows were doing the same thing ; we used to meet and recognize each other and compare notes — and pretty scathing we were at times with what we found .
26 On Oct. 26 a further search was made and Wolfgang Pöhl , the party treasurer , and another party official were arrested the same day under suspicion of embezzling party funds .
27 She saw that Defries and Johannsen were attempting the same manoeuvre .
28 If the painter were to use the same intensity of blue for the sea both near and far then the effect would not be at all realistic .
29 Data in brackets indicate the values of change that would be ‘ expected ’ if employment in all individual manufacturing industries were to undergo the same changes as in Great Britain as a whole .
30 There is a far greater emphasis on basic salary than on bonus ; indeed , in the UK until recently all managers of the major nationalized industries were paid the same ( low , by private industry standards ) salary — see also chapter 4 .
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