Example sentences of "[noun] were [verb] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 In other words , the demands on the state in its capacity as the focus of the system 's legitimacy were increasing over time .
2 Prisoners-of-war , wandering free men , peasants and natives were mobilized from time to time into detachments of foreign servicemen ( Litva ) or cossacks , and there were service gentry from European Russia stationed in the region for periods of several years .
3 These authors considered that the antiplatelet action observed was unrelated to effects on glycaemic control as the two effects were dissociated in time ( Poari et al , 1979 ) .
4 The voices of churchmen were heard from time to time , perhaps frequently , complaining of the enslavement of Christians , or of the treatment of slaves ; but there was no radical attack on the institution as such .
5 A number of reconstructions were made from time to time , especially under Julius Caesar and Augustus .
6 In India , army officers in the Company 's service were advanced by time promotion , mitigated in some degree by considerations of evident merit , and commissions were not openly bought and sold as they were in the British army .
7 Or where the subject is unknown or irrelevant as in , ‘ the book was printed in 1991 ’ or ‘ the goods were delivered on time ’ .
8 Translations in ‘ latin ’ languages like Spanish and Italian were completed in time for the promulgation of the test by the Holy Father on December 7th last year .
9 Plagues were experienced from time to time , particularly where people were crowded together in places like London , which suffered the Great Plague in 1665 , followed by the Great Fire in 1666 , which the Roman Catholics on the Continent declared was a punishment for the beheading of King Charles I. In the event , the Great Fire enabled King Charles II , who took control in September 1666 , to arrange the clearance of the fire devastated area and to rebuild the City of London with Christopher Wren in charge of the plan , so that the mass of narrow streets were replaced , to a great extent , by wider , straighter roads , with some magnificent building , including St. Paul 's Cathedral .
10 ‘ All normal programmes were cancelled and brief announcements were made from time to time , interspersed with solemn music , ’ recalls Jean Williams , of Noel 's Court , Catterick Village .
11 Compared with Maud she was too tall and thin , and her mouth was too wide , but she had a simple grace which remained in his memory long after her features were blurred by time .
12 Thus , a situation had arisen in which the goings on at Roscarrock Hall were ignored or winked at , and the family was left alone by the Justice of the Peace on the understanding that the fines were paid on time .
13 Any person charged with an offence under the section has a defence if he can prove that he took all reasonable steps for securing that the accounts were delivered in time .
14 Two names for the same condition that was once life-threatening to both mother and baby but could now easily be brought under control — if warning signs were heeded in time .
15 Around 650 responses of this kind were received in time to be included in the analysis .
16 They are adjusted so that if the project were completed on time to specification the contractor would realize a reasonable profit .
17 Cirrhosis was of alcoholic origin in 62% of the cases and the distribution according to the Child-Pugh classification was 23% , 45% , and 32% respectively for classes A , B , and C. A complete history was always obtained ( with the family and the general practitioner if the patient was unable to collaborate ) ; physica examination and laboratory analysis were performed at time zero of the index bleed .
18 Lyell saw each biogeographical province as a ‘ centre of creation ’ where new species typical of that province were created from time to time , spreading out from the centre to occupy as much territory as they could .
19 The restoration and re-furbishing were completed in time for a great service of re-hallowing on 27th July .
20 The princes were seen from time to time when , with a strong guard , they rode through the streets of the City .
21 Heavy reclamation walls were built from time to time as the docks were extended seawards and today , the dock estate lies entirely on land reclaimed from the foreshore .
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