Example sentences of "[noun] we had been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Before the end of July we had been visited by General Gough .
2 The forecast from Livorno has spoken of increasing winds and I laid out all the chain before we rowed ashore ( feeling curiously British and eccentric using oars among so many outboards ) for the pasta and wine we had been promising ourselves since mid-morning .
3 I knew that I was fearful of describing the girls I 'd met , because I did n't want to fall into the same traps and judgements we had been talking about ; on the other hand , I was not being totally honest in leaving out their descriptions , because in fact how they looked interested me very much .
4 At each point we had been required to identify pictures of tanks , strip weapons in the dark , answer questions on mines and explosives , and demonstrate our radio technique .
5 ‘ The particulars we had been given referred to an estate of 680 acres having four cottages and a stone house …
6 ‘ For years we had been trying to lower and streamline the bonnets of front-engined cars and the mid-engined configuration allowed us to obtain an extremely low nose , deeply recessed between sculpted front wings that sloped down to the headlights , which were contained in a plexiglass fairing to continue the line .
7 For many years we had been permitted to lay out and examine wreckage in a couple of hangars at RAE Farnborough ; but we were strictly visitors , not always welcome with our requirements for hangar space , and of course our needs were always secondary to those of our host RAE .
8 Reveille for the remainder was at 0600 , as the transit camp we had been living in for the fortnight had to be handed over to the next inhabitants spick and span .
9 One afternoon we had been taken for a walk up to the top of the mountain behind the camp , which had been good exercise ; from the top I had been able to see the sea .
10 For the past hour we had been standing at the top of a Norfolk heath in swirling snow .
11 The man gave a grunt , which was the permission we had been waiting for , and I ran all the way back to my flat to change and conduct the concert .
12 One of the things we had been told was to carry any valuables we had around with us so that they could n't go astray .
13 We decided to do one last detour before heading south and remembering advice we had been given , we headed past Kirkenes towards the Pasvik Elv , the valley and river which form the border between Norway and Russia .
14 It felt like abandoning all the people we had been working with , whom we had been encouraging to organize and demand their rights .
15 It also did something to the plumbing , and it was decided not to keep us for the month we had been promised , but to billet us out to houses nearby .
16 we approximately the subject we had been looking at for some time so I approximately , nineteen eighty eight , nineteen eighty nine
17 During our journey we had been taken to Sherwood Forest , where we had a short while to look around and similarly at Chatsworth house .
18 I suspected that the restaurant was cheap and that this was the reason we had been guided here .
19 On the debit side we have dropped one day on the calving interval to 376 days , although not a disaster we had been trying to improve that but our heifers are calving at 28 months instead of two years three months .
20 He asked members to support the motion so that the Attorney General as a member of the Government and as leader of this profession could convey to the Government our sense of disgust at the way we had been treated for so long ( sustained applause ) .
21 We all went on doing the jobs we had been trained for .
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