Example sentences of "[noun] we [vb past] in the " in BNC.

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1 There was n't a car we recognized in the lane , we were as surprised to find them as you are to find us . ’
2 you know , we would li I do n't mind people being in it , but I 'd rather , you know , can you imagine that er the Greek priest we had in the very first print
3 One of the most enjoyable aspects of the course was the lunch we had in the local pub , which did a particularly memorable steak and kidney pie .
4 An illustration of this can be found in cross-examination of a defendant in one of the trials we considered in the court files : Prosecutor : Why did n't you ask her if she was prepared to have intercourse with you ?
5 The girls were being taken in at night after we left and what a mess we got in the morning !
6 A testing ground with other women in which the moments of assertion were not always secure , in which women attacked and were attacked , in which in an inverted way we both used the consciousness-raising groups to assert a new independence , a new self-determination , and at the same time to express the unarticulated tensions we felt in the other areas of our lives .
7 The errors we made in the 1960s and 1970s can , and are , being corrected .
8 thanks Mrs Grundy for the cakes we ate in the interval …
9 First , even if not all legislative authorities share the characteristics of dependence and pre-emptiveness we found in the arbitrator 's case , it is plain that some do .
10 ‘ We went through the contents of two handbags we found in the road .
11 This she loved , and it led to her , Dad and Shadwell going to dinners and parties with all kinds of ( fairly ) important people — not the sort we knew in the suburbs , but the real thing : people who really did write and direct plays and not just talk about it .
12 The other experience of the USA was the philosophical and scientific thought emerging from the universities ; all the major ideas we received in the early Fifties were from MIT , Caltech and the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies .
13 Particular concern is merited over the dominance of writing , especially where this is a tow-level , time-filling activity ; over the general failure to exploit the potential of collaborative activity — especially since every one of the sixty classrooms we visited in the classroom practice study used a grouping system of some kind ; and over the limited opportunities given to children for work-related talk of a challenging kind .
14 ‘ That little fat body we saw in the pub one night ?
15 ‘ What heavy rain we had in the night , ma'am ! ’ she said .
16 The two years we spent in the ERM were tough .
17 ‘ That is a picture we found in the holiday dacha .
18 The closer we allow ourselves to get to another , the more we are affected and influences both consciously and unconsciously through the projective system or defence we described in the last two chapters .
19 He is the son of the late Dr. William Nkomo , the African revolutionary leader whose story we told in the film ‘ A Man for All People ’ .
20 I have a suspicion that the justifiable coverage we got in the media hardened the hearts at Shire Hall .
21 Their story-book lyrics and whiff of traditional English folk music was just the tonic we needed in the late '80s and Julianne Regan was a strong front woman .
22 That money we left in the taxi .
23 The overall picture , with session 1991–2 yet to be completed , is very encouraging for SCOTVEC , because it indicates that the faith we had in the new system 's advantages was well-founded .
24 This is the case we anticipated in the last paragraph .
25 Indeed , this is the development that begins to combine videoconferencing facilities with online computer network applications , the kind of overlap we foreshadowed in the previous sections of this chapter .
26 I was always immensely impressed with the vinyl flooring we had in the dining room when my children were small .
27 Listen to me , Sarella — ca n't we forget all the things we said in the heat of the moment — ’
28 well needs a I think one of the things we discussed in the branch action group meeting is actually , were n't quite sure what the cos we 'd been sending out for quite less than ten of the branches because to do something to them which was mm apparently lots of them in but erm well they keep disappearing so that the what we 've been talking about is to try and get some points erm health and safety station within the branch , which actually just has all this stuff for it .
29 To really get in the swing of things we celebrated in the evening with a Caribbean dinner followed by a rum punch party .
30 and the night we slept in the garden and the night before we went we , Mrs was taken ill and I was giving her , tepid sponges up and the towel where she was sleeping in the garden
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