Example sentences of "[noun] which [was/were] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 They had engaged soldiers for a year , but had been deprived by the truce of most of the ransoms which were to pay the troops ' wages for the second half of the year .
2 The crew of a police patrol car which was passing the scene near Higher Road , Halewood , at the time also helped treat him .
3 Its founding collection , Clement Litill 's Library , was deposited by bequest with the Toun and Kirk of Edinburgh in 1580 , and thus pre-dates by three years the founding of the College which was to become the University of Edinburgh .
4 Although marketed as a bass by Fender , Leo personally viewed it as a baritone guitar , thus creating a confusion in the minds of the company and ultimately the guitar-buying public , a confusion which was to dog the instrument throughout its career .
5 But it did not bring an end to the speculation and confusion which was rending the civilized world .
6 There was no reference to Indonesia which was allotted the status of a colony .
7 Its aim was to provide a convivial meeting place where the enlightened could help formulate a programme to teach the uninitiated the nature of the enemy which was undermining the country .
8 Within a hundred years of the missionaries ' arrival many English men and women had enthusiastically adopted the monasticism which was considered the purest form of the Christian life and the surest way to salvation , and which had spread throughout western Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries .
9 In fact it was the sediment particles attached to the shells which were producing the TL .
10 However , responses to Newbolt were to become the focus of the first major ideological rift within the class-based cultural movement , a rift which was to undermine the strategy proposed in the Report and usher in an era in which English would be constituted in much more limited cultural terms .
11 But it was the longbow , with its range of up to 200 metres , its power of penetration which was to compel the development of more effective plate armour in the first half of the fourteenth century , its rate of fire which was easily twice that of the crossbow , and which , held vertically , ( earlier bows and crossbows were held horizontally ) could be aimed more accurately along the line of the bow , which was to give the archer , above all those serving in English armies , so important a role to play in every form of war at this time .
12 From the mid-'70s to the mid-'80s it was increasing inequality which was to dominate the changing geography of manufacturing , and indeed of employment more generally .
13 The leaders promised to co-operate in ending the civil wars and the conflicts between states which were hindering the continent 's development , in particular the border conflict between Mauritania and Senegal , the subject of an OAU commission report presented during the summit , and the civil war in Liberia [ see pp. 37601-02 ] .
14 By 1987 , 57 local authorities were requested to submit Inner Area Programmes which were to outline the objectives of Urban Programme funding , and to indicate how other funding programmes dovetailed into Urban Programme activities ( DoE , 1989 ) .
15 The defences were at that time concerned with 59 Squadron which was bombing the docks .
16 In 1972 , when he chaired the Hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee which were given the imposing title ‘ Causes , Origins , and Lessons of the Vietnam War ’ , a rather dyspeptic Senator Fulbright sought to put much of the blame for American involvement on Dean Acheson , on his European orientations and on his close war-time connections with the British .
17 There were , of course , other forces at work which were driving the subject peoples to oppose their alien overlords .
18 On the contrary , none of the nations wanted war , and ‘ ever new progressive and democratic forces ’ had appeared in the capitalist countries which were strengthening the common struggle for peace .
19 That had never been mooted at any previous stage and ran completely counter to the management plan which was to explore the possibility of placing T. with her older half-sister as her full-time carer .
20 And while the hierarchy of the Roman Church dictated the texts which were to become the canonical New Testament , the monasteries in Egypt embraced a much more diverse body of teaching , exemplified by the Gospel of Thomas and by the other texts found at Nag Hammadi .
21 It was in cities such as Rome , Venice , Florence and Verona that the Renaissance started — the re-awakening of the arts , new directions in painting and architecture — movements which were to span the continents and leave a legacy of culture unequalled anywhere in the world .
22 The vote has disappointed the anti-hunting lobby which was hoping the groundswell of public opinion would sway MPs .
23 The same critical and questioning attitude which was forming the new approach to the Bible was at the same time stimulating scientific study and experiment and discovering the regularities in the natural order — what were and commonly still are called ‘ the laws of nature ’ .
24 In 1944 representatives of every allied government met in Chicago and drew up a convention containing ninety-six articles which were to provide the framework upon which civil aviation could be rebuilt after the end of the Second World War .
25 But it was also the beginning of the split between law-abiders and law-breakers which was to cripple the movement within a few years and lead to its decline .
26 During 1905 , work was commenced on the various lines which were to form the South Metropolitan system , starting first on the Selby Road ‘ Robin Hood ’ Penge High Street section , then the Mitcham Light Railways .
27 Presumably that is why Philip chose precisely that moment to raise again the spectre which was to haunt the Old King 's last years .
28 Embryology proper really began a century later with Aristotle defining a basic question which was to dominate the field until the end of the nineteenth century .
29 It was the line of the river Loire which was to save the French .
30 Behind this , almost certainly , lay the new economic pressures of an expanding population which were leaving the agricultural worker worse off than he had been in the years of land surplus .
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