Example sentences of "[noun] which [pers pn] 'll [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It is now funded by the health authority under the normal joint finance arrangements and there have been one or two local disputes which I 'll come back to later on .
2 In terms of taking we we have a put in a detailed traffic impact study which you 'll have seen in with our report .
3 I am sure he would have considered that both technical accomplishment and , though not perhaps in the modern sense , introspection , were valuable for the poet , but the labour and intense study which you 'll have noticed he referred to in that passage I 've read , consisted of course of learning large numbers of languages , which he clearly did with great fluency , and reading inordinately the whole of human literature .
4 ‘ Now go into the kitchen and take the tray which you 'll find waiting on the table on the left and take it up to room five on the third floor . ’
5 I think Freud would say though however that these are more like the th the was talking about religion , now clearly if something is a outlawing it is n't gon na make much difference to it , or if anything it 's , it 's just gon na make it er , er make it more difficult , but there are certain types of religion and Judaism is one of them where th this very pattern you 're talking about did occur and here Freud is er probably standing on , on firm ground , for reasons which I 'll explain in my lectures I do n't wan na take up too much time , but I have done a bit of research on this myself and as you will see , erm there 's , there are good reasons for thinking that Freud was certainly right about some of those and we certainly know that a monotheistic and , and an absolutely rigidly monotheistic religion appeared in Ancient Egypt as erm Andrea said , just before erm the er reign of this heretic er heretic , heretic pharaoh one of whose er near descendants , I forget how he was related now , erm was originally called Tutamkhatan and then was forced to change his name to Tutankhamen and he was dug up by Howard Carter in nineteen twenty two or something er and er the Tutankhamen is called Tutankhamen and not Tutamkhatan is that there was a religious .
6 I would endorse what Ken has said , I certainly am of the view there are overriding reasons which I 'll come to in a moment for putting forward a general location , I had seen that as a central location which may or may not span more than one district .
7 In the UK , Sun Microsystems ' drive to flush out some of the value-added resellers which it says do n't actually offer any value-add ( UX No 399 ) , will take the form of a new contract which they 'll have to sign to become authorised VARs .
8 There will be certain discussions which I 'll go into in a minute , at the at that stage which will determine what we 're going to do for them .
9 So we shall use this at our great banquet which I 'll tell you about in a moment when we go round , which is our next event .
10 And that 's why we tell them and there are some other things you tell them on the phone of course which you 'll find out about on the training school .
11 And the description which I 'll give you allows for that .
12 Generalization which we 'll come to a lot later as well in a lot more depth er is very important in these systems .
13 And th then we 've got a lot of work at the moment which we 'll retain .
14 Small babies always need a lot of luggage — nappies , jars , bottles , wipes — but you can keep it to a minimum with our checklist of the bare essentials which you 'll find in page 18 .
15 I asked , and they said , ‘ Remove the disc and replace it with a piece of bone which we 'll take from your hip . ’
16 Yeah , I 've spoken to Tom , he wants me to get an outline price which I 'll do today .
17 So the , the two suggestions which we 'll put forward then is , is naming one of capital projects in , in this financial year , of the centenary , and possibly looking at er erm joining into a service or establishing a service with the Minster , and I 'll , I 'll look into that with the Provost as well , and the Association .
18 Anyone who enters the liberal profession so accountancy , medical and so on erm he made some other suggestions which we 'll look at shortly .
19 Well it is it 's it 's planned pretty well as you know we we always take the summer off we never work during the summer because we do our recording and we make our video and then we 're ready for the road and the video 's released and there 's promotion put into it so er if we go to Australia which we 'll go on our next May and June you know it 's a good time out there for selling product as well so we will have an album released before we get out there and and everything will be planned out .
20 And finally what we 're also going to be talking about today is online distributed database management systems as we move towards enterprise-wide client server which we 'll talk about in a lot more depth in the following presentations .
21 The other thing is I need er we need to monitor the source of er informations reg information regarding the cordless phone promotion so I 've devised a form which I 'll get faxed yeah in other words , where did they find out about the promotion .
22 Well I 've written a letter which I 'll read out to you , I have n't posted it because I think I ought to read it to the meeting and get their approval erm , or otherwise , erm , Dear Miss , this is the General Secretary , W I subscription nineteen ninety two .
23 Erm , the first one is a letter from Ron , he , he 's in Milton Keynes with his family at the moment , on holiday , and he will be missing this meeting action tomorrow and unfortunately the September Executive , erm , he 's reported on the erm market stall which I 'll come to a bit later , I ask you for details about that and for the enclose with it erm , a statement issued by the association nationally on pensioner 's and the Poll Tax .
24 erm is going to make certain clarifications which we 'll start with and is going to introduce the report and then to give some explanations .
25 Erm it 's can I draw attention please to a a erm report which you 'll find in the Michael erm submissions in appendix two .
26 I think environmental discount and environmental considerations are factors which we 'll come back to in in looking at the migration rates , so you 're going to have another shot at this one .
27 The criteria which we 'll come on to debate , there is one criteria in there which I say overrides or is overriding in weight , and that is number eleven , to be consistent with regional and sub-regional policies .
28 Here is a selection of your letters which we 'll send on to the BBC .
29 Delegates , this resolution is about uniting all of the unions in the public sector , after all we did it in nineteen seventy nine and as we all know that was against our Labour government , with one aim , to reject this government 's pay policy and to combine and fight for a pay increase which we 'll endeavour to counter the savage attacks which are being made against public service workers .
30 But just from that little table which you 'll get used to as work through them , you can work what would happen .
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