Example sentences of "[noun] had provide [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 His killer , a 16-year-old hired assassin who was wounded and captured , later claimed that a stranger had provided him with a submachine gun and directed him to kill the UP leader .
2 The wardrobe had provided her with a vest of padded cotton , but for some reason she would n't wear it .
3 The Shah 's own household had provided him with one of the major problems of his reign .
4 Cynthia Iliffe shared with the Board a feeling that it could be rather ‘ a hybrid sort of degree course at first ’ , but Pocock and the Board really believed in it , understood that the Crick model of a discipline-based degree had provided it with an academic foundation , but even then ‘ we talked a lot about integration ’ .
5 In trying to conceal his negligence the projectionist had provided me with tangible evidence of the grand illusion .
6 At one level Jamaica had provided him with an intense visual experience .
7 We had to do this because some chucklehead had provided him with a typist 's chair on castors and every time the truck turned left he did a circuit of the flat-back , sending everybody else flying .
8 Her mother came from a high-born Portuguese family , so Sara had learnt that language from the cradle ; and the devoted services of the family chaplain had provided her with considerable ability in French and Latin as well .
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