Example sentences of "[noun] had [been] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Von Stein had been checking the wall clock in the laboratory then looking back at his notes for some time .
2 The Australian Unwins , sitting with the rival owners of Flokati , were concerned about a lifelessness they had detected in Upper Gumtree due to the fact that on the train their horse had been fed a restricted diet of compressed food nuts and high-grade hay and the Flokati people were cheerfully saying that on so long a stretch without exercise , good hay was best .
3 Once the special character combinations had been replaced the file was iteratively refined .
4 All in all , Mo had been given a pretty torrid time by the nation 's voters .
5 Reports in early September indicated that the Bush administration had been conducting an ongoing but indirect correspondence with the Iranian regime .
6 In a news conference on Jan. 18 , 1990 , Borja announced that inflation had been brought down to just over 54 per cent in December 1989 after reaching a record 99.1 per cent in March ; a further objective of the administration had been to reduce the accumulated annual inflation rate to 30 per cent for 1989 .
7 Mitra had been considered the leading rival to Ramos for Aquino 's endorsement .
8 Mr Justice Otton was told they regretted helping to give currency to the allegation that John Major and Miss Latimer had been conducting an adulterous relationship .
9 Although Bernice had been dealt a few rough cards in her life , she still thought that there could be something better .
10 The fact that evidence and documents relating to the case had either disappeared or been tampered with and that witnesses had been threatened led members of a US Congressional investigative task force to conclude that the military high command had been controlling the investigation and limiting the number and rank of the officers to be held responsible for the crime .
11 His eyes had been rubbed a raw red by fatigue and cold and had a harried glitter .
12 The Secte Rouge guards had been charging the Marines with their machetes , to little effect , though a couple of Marines had gone down .
13 It happened after police in an unmarked car had been following a stolen Maestro for several minutes .
14 The aim of the programme had been to divide the big farms into smaller plots and to redistribute the land to the workers , but it had bred uncertainty among landowners and entrepreneurs many of whom , unwilling to part with their property , had delayed investment .
15 New Zealand 's Foreign Affairs Minister , Don McKinnon , said that he was " appalled and disgusted " to learn that the agent had been made a knight in the National Order of Merit .
16 The bomber had been caught a little to the North-West of Gozo by 7/JG 26 at 0750 , and shot down by Oblt .
17 With an ink nib had been added the name of Michael Holly .
18 One of the first rules of house and hall parties had been to scout the building for dark corners that might make useful retiring-places if the evening went well — preference was given to anywhere that had a lock on the inside .
19 It was agreed the method of the selling of tickets for future occasions should be considered but that once the quota had been reached no further participants should be admitted .
20 Her parents both went out to work , and from a young age Jean had been given the responsibility of looking after the other children .
21 Britta had been watching the other woman — the one the Doctor called Benny — when the screens had come on .
22 As a result the educational psychologist had been investigating the possibility of a place at a local special school for Balbinder .
23 The extent to which the courts could become involved in the politics of such disputes had been shown a few years earlier when Lord Cameron presided over an enquiry into a dispute on London building sites .
24 Lucy had been reading The Saint from her father 's shelves when all of the other girls had their noses in Black Beauty .
25 Up to then the UK and Irish entries had been fighting a tooth and nail contest .
26 Happily Herbert had eventually trotted off and to Amy 's distress had been seen no more , although his lead still hung on the caravan door , a limp reminder of her bereavement .
27 The Earl of Hyndford had been sent a box of earth from the ‘ innermost parts of the Cherokee nation ’ .
28 Clearly Dorothy 's principal intention had been to record the apple harvest — a prodigious one ; Helen 's presence was incidental , like one of those figures introduced for purposes of scale or composition .
29 The intention had been to give the premiere of Sea Change at Sadler 's Wells to open the Theatre Ballet 's new season there , but it was thought that by then John would already have left for New York to take part in the Sadler 's Wells Ballet 's first American tour , so the decision was made to present the ballet first on 18 July 1949 at the Gaiety Theatre , Dublin , where the company concluded its summer tour .
30 Godard 's intention had been to accompany the reading with its author descending stairs , naked , in order to confront the viewer , it was assumed , with the contrast between argument , theory , and the sexual objectification of women .
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