Example sentences of "[noun] had [been] going [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Derry City 's new boy conceded Roy Coyle 's side had been going through a lean period but he said the lads would bounce back .
2 Then I found out my kids had been going into someone 's house and coming out with money .
3 The voices had been going on all evening .
4 Murray said one particular employee had been going about the depot under the influence of drugs .
5 ‘ What in the world are you two talking of ? ’ interrupted Rose , whose perplexed gaze had been going from one to the other .
6 His wife Ann-Marie Turnpenny , of Sheerwater Avenue , Darlington , said their marriage had been going through a difficult period .
7 Now of course , in a , in a complete psychoanalysis , if Woodrow Wilson had been going for analysis , then all kinds of other aspects of his life and personality would have opened up .
8 They were standing by the desk in the library , where Theda had been going over the household accounts when the lawyer arrived , Hector , his wound still troublesome , laying at her feet .
9 The event had been going through a lean period and had degenerated into a glorified booze-up , but there were some who were interested in keeping it alive and they got together to decide if they were going to let it go or make an effort to put it on its feet again .
10 The seething had been going on more or less from the time Taylor took over as manager .
11 In a few hours of concentrated assault he could destroy months of determined surreptitious growth ; but then he would discover some other , overlooked area where things had been going to the dogs unheeded and some valiantly struggling patch of wood anemone or bluebells had been choked to the last gasp .
12 Dai told the story of how one of the visitors , a wealthy industrialist , came into his well stocked shop to use the phone and find out how things had been going at work during his absence .
13 And , the way things had been going for Gerhard Berger , it was perhaps no surprise that it should be his McLaren which would suffer that fate .
14 The cooperative movement had been going through the same process , and every week was being confronted by the same forces which had compelled trade unionists to consolidate their forces .
15 ’ — and the Project had been going for so long , you see .
16 The CDP had welcomed the broad direction in which the CNAA 's discussions had been going in 1975 , but liked little or nothing in the Partnership in Validation document .
17 Whitlock had been going to Le Chantilly restaurant on East 57th Street since he had first arrived in New York in 1980 .
18 The same thoughts had been going through the minds of two other women with disabilities .
19 They could get hot water , but only after the fire had been going for a while and the back boiler had heated up .
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