Example sentences of "[noun] had [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Absorbed in the painting , their ears had n't caught his almost silent approach through the open door .
2 His sensory feedback had not informed him that this was happening even though the tension needed to throw his head back had been tremendous .
3 The Conservative administration had not made it good , said Borrie ; government had not created either the demand or the supply of credit .
4 Lucille Walker had n't brought me clear over to Hollywood just to tell me I 'd been played for a sucker .
5 The Tibetan had n't killed her .
6 The great issue of predestination had divided the movement for ‘ vital religion ’ from the outset : Whitefield had been a Calvinist , but the Wesley brothers had not followed him .
7 Bernice had n't seen them at first : their black silk cloaks merged into the darkness beyond the doorway , and only the jerky movements of the red-painted muzzles of their stubby blasters revealed their location .
8 A check with the skies proved that the informant 's eyes had not deceived him .
9 ‘ It sounded as if Abul had n't joined him .
10 It is time that players realised that if their club had not given them their chance they would not be internationals .
11 It was a pity perhaps that the car had not knocked her down .
12 ‘ This is what Fael-Inis wanted , ’ thought Taliesin , and knew , even as the thought formed , that Fael-Inis had not wanted it , but that it had been necessary .
13 The world was a less " moral " place than it had been before the war : Germany and Japan had brought to a crisis the sickness which infected civilization , but their collapse had not cured it but left it raging everywhere . "
14 Perhaps , after all , Valerie had n't resented him , grateful for his reflected glory .
15 His words had n't affected me at all .
16 Jackson Chatterton had not offered me his hand and appeared not to notice when I offered mine .
17 What they would not yet do , and what Thorfinn had not asked them to do , was to fight as a nation , north beside south , no matter what the threat .
18 It was clear that Holmes ' cleverness with the telegram had not given us the proof we needed .
19 They had the most horrendous ten days waiting for the tests , only to find Richard had n't got it .
20 It was something to do with Dana ; what was n't so clear was why Roman should have sounded upset because Dana had n't told her herself .
21 But I was in a foul temper , and Rebecca had n't made it any easier by going on about missing papers , and how urgent it was that we had them back . ’
22 The fall had n't affected her in the slightest , but the shock of finding herself lying beneath Dane stunned her into silence .
23 If the fall had n't killed him , the large diamond of glass he 'd brought with him and impaled his neck on certainly had .
24 ‘ Then since you accept what I say , madam — ’ interposed the cardinal with a sense of timing that suggested the protector had not nominated him for the task solely on account of his venerability ‘ — might I urge you to give the prince into my custody ! ’
25 On several occasions , Darwin had recourse to ask Prince to supply him with information that Gould had not given him .
26 If my parents had n't sent me money every week , I could n't have survived . ’
27 His parents had not asked him what sort of holiday he had had or how the flight had been .
28 Jane had not visited her on impulse , nor yet as a premeditated plan .
29 Jane had not wanted them to stay against their will , and once they were gone , she plunged into work .
30 She filled her days and nights with activities and fell exhausted into bed in the small hours , disappointed that Lucenzo had n't contacted her .
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