Example sentences of "[noun] they [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 Vale dominated the first 45 minutes against a Stockport side they dismissed from the second division play-off last Wednesday .
2 By and large they fell in happily with the exhortations they received from the Arab world not to take any unauthorized political initiatives .
3 This will include determining the warranties they require from the management .
4 One study of day-release trade union students found that the most important benefit they identified from the courses was not simply enhanced skills and smoother communications with management , but a general gain in confidence ; judged by the ‘ needs-meeting ’ paradigm , it was an overwhelming success .
5 Consumers equate the gross price to the value of the marginal benefit they receive from the last film , but producers equate the marginal cost of films to the lower net-of-tax price of films .
6 An application by the defendants to the High Court in 1990 to discharge the order on the ground that the benefit they obtained from the publication of the book was not a benefit within the meaning of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 was unsuccessful .
7 A large number of disabled people take part in the Telethon and are grateful for the help they get from the telethon .
8 So although those carers in the action sample were grateful for the help they received from the Home Support Project ( and almost without exception carers throughout the action samples expressed the same sentiment ) , there is scant evidence that it contributed to allaying feelings of strain .
9 Detectives praised the help they received from the public , saying the artist 's impression of Katherine 's attacker helped greatly to bring about a conviction .
10 In the north-west , too , in Galicia , the rebels quickly triumphed , thanks to the assistance they received from the Civil Guard in overcoming the resistance of loyal troops and civilians .
11 Many suffer from the liberal philosophy they remember from the '60s and do n't want to sort out their priorities on their own — however much they assure you they can .
12 Partnerships in the UK are a contemporary feature ; in their present incarnation they date from the mid 1980s and since then have grown remarkably into a national phenomenon .
13 She liked the way it stood , distinct and certain , rising out of the level muddy waste of grass and tarmac that generously surrounded it : a bomb had fallen during the war , on a neighbouring chapel , and the site had been levelled out and was now an unofficial part of the school 's playgrounds The whole area was of a bleak airiness , and a cold wind seemed to blow incessantly upon it , turning the knees and knuckles of the girls pink and blue , and snatching away their obligatory berets the moment they emerged from the school porch .
14 At the first watering place they jumped from the open wagons and rushed to douse their burning clothes .
15 Their application is a matter of skill and timing and this is reflected in the attention they receive from the refereeing panel .
16 This they frequently do , eating into , and more often devouring , the commissions they receive from the issuer .
17 Under the present regime , where differential pricing is forbidden , big tied agents like the Halifax , Nationwide and Leeds Permanent — taking advantage of the fact that they are powerful distribution channels with ‘ hot client bases ’ — have pushed up the commissions they receive from the life offices to which they are tied to huge levels .
18 However as Levi points out , different official agencies use these powers in a manner which is related to the level of tolerance they expect from the media and politicians .
19 PILGRIMS to Walsingham are being asked by clergy to reduce the amount of Holy water they take from the Anglican shrine because of fears that the well will dry up .
20 Chris and Caz are two soulmates who are disc-jockeys on a pirate radio station they run from the back of a North London garage .
21 Of these , 65% were satisfied with the overall service they receive from the Revenue , around 20% had no strong feeling either way and one in 10 were dissatisfied with the service they received .
22 They were too nervous and frightened of life to react to or put into words the sounds they heard from the room where their father was sleeping with Rose .
23 He 's trying to show that the glider can be far more than the gentle flying machines they seem from the ground .
24 Some had brought instructions for things they wanted from the bazaars .
25 Having taken the initiative on the Northern Territories , officials of the ruling party are worried that they may not get all the co-operation they need from the civil service .
26 Boswell 's counterpoint to this recitative divulges that among their books the Mackinnons had the shorter version of Johnson 's own Dictionary , and that , notwithstanding the merry and warm respect they received from the household , the place began to feel like a prison on account of the adverse weather .
27 As he came from Palace I suppose he was involved in that thrashing they received from the Scousers a bit ago ( was it 9–1 or something ? ) .
28 The raising of a ‘ grain curtain ’ is threatening the economic stability of those countries which have lost the protection they enjoyed from the former Soviet empire .
29 ‘ People who do this sort of thing should not only lose their jobs but have any money they make from the deal confiscated , ’ she said .
30 The first thing you do is announce half way through a year that they 're gon na put back some , but not all , of the money they cut from the budget .
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