Example sentences of "[noun] who was a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I met a man at Machu Picchu who was a little bit Inca .
2 It was built about 1675 for Sir Daniel Fleming , at a cost of £1 15 , by Robert Parke who was a local contractor and carter .
3 Much of his remarkable life story is revealed in the stained-glass windows of the church ; which were a gift from Philip L. Barbour of Kentucky , U.S.A. who was a foremost biographer of Willoughby 's famous son .
4 I MISS My War at the Almeida is a first play in English by Iraj Jannatie Ataie , an exiled Iranian poet who was a political prisoner under the Shah 's regime and whose A Cry With Sewn Lips ( in Farsi ) made a moving impression at the Theatre Upstairs four years ago .
5 In Ackroyd 's life of Eliot we read about a major poet who was a good ventriloquist ; a man of multiple personality who swore by a principle of impersonality in art which he was later to unswear by locating The Waste Land in the stresses of a domestic life , and whose art bears the indelible signature of that distinctive protean character of his ; a man who was often miserable and tormented .
6 I enjoyed Richard who was a casual , almost brutal lover , his desire rising and spending itself as impatiently as mine , so that I did not have to suffer all that tedious , preliminary business of fondling and stroking , and I enjoyed my baby , which surprised me as I had not expected to .
7 I also join him in paying tribute to Alick Buchanan-Smith who was a personal friend of mine , as he was of so many , and who was an outstanding parliamentarian and Minister , and to the courage of George Buckley .
8 Sir Arthur Fairbairn was born deaf to Sir Thomas Fairbairn , and was the grandson of Sir William Fairbairn who was a great inventor and builder of bridges and dockyards which earned him a fortune .
9 For any girl who was a little bit shy it was sheer agony to go out at all .
10 And erm if you wanted to hear about Chelmsford Cathedral when Estelle who was a humorous and eighty something but still on the ball she 'll tell you about the
11 On Charles Lyell 's side at first there was none of similar stature , though one might mention the great Goethe in Germany who was a keen amateur geologist and liked the gradual peaceful processes preached by the uniformitarians .
12 Her father died when she was a young girl , and her mother re-married a Mr. Hanmer who was a staunch Royalist .
13 There was one lad who was a real bully , and he says , ‘ Give me a hair cut . ’
14 In December 1977 the Headmistress of St Anselm 's School in Canterbury , one of Britain 's leading Roman Catholic Comprehensives , allowed a teacher who was a National Front candidate to continue in her post alter she had promised that her National Front views would not affect her treatment to black pupils .
15 Living there were Mrs. Dear , her elder daughter , another daughter with her husband who was a main line engine driver and their three children .
16 Around about a bit later they er Charles the Second was er came down out of his oak tree and climbed on to the throne and round about that time you found the childhood of erm childhood of Robert Walpole who was a famous politician in well first half of the eighteenth century .
17 In 1628 , when his colleague , the senior revenue auditor of the Upper Exchequer , was savagely attacked , expelled from the House , and committed to the Tower , Pye 's defence of Buckingham was limited to assuring the Commons that it was the favourite 's mother and not his wife who was a recusant Catholic .
18 For three mornings a week she went to a playgroup run by a friend who was a trained Froebel teacher .
19 The shocking discovery prompted a massive police operation clearly remembered by a retired policeman who was a young constable on duty in Spennymoor on the night of the slaying .
20 The kind of clergyman with whom Macmillan felt kinship was a person of spirituality and otherworldliness , not the person who was a born administrator or Church politician .
21 ( An expression used to define a person who was a natural … a top-notcher . )
22 According to section 14(7) , ‘ qualified person ’ meant a person who was a British citizen resident and domiciled in the United Kingdom , and ‘ qualified company ’ meant a company incorporated in the United Kingdom and having its principal place of business there , at least 75 per cent .
23 There was another woman who was a real fighter and she came in with me as quietly as can be — perhaps because I looked so young .
24 Their love of skiing and the mountains sprung from their father who was a fanatical mountaineer , but sadly died in a climbing accident in the Himalayas when they were teenagers .
25 ‘ On account of my father who was a Saudi-Arabian rain maker . ’
26 When it was first recorded it was known as the Fox , named by its first owner who was a furrier .
27 That would be about sixty , sixty one as I see , and er they were the last match of the season virtually was that they gained promotion on was Shrewsbury , which was at the game meadow and Arthur , the player manager who was a prolific goal scorer in his day , was playing at the time and er nobody expected Walsall to win but they ran out two-one winners and all down the A five that night all the pubs were full coming back with everyone celebrating , so erm , after then they had a civic dinner at the Town Hall for the players and they did a big flower display in the arboretum all set out in flowers the club badge and congratulation lads on winning promotion , and this when they kicked off the following season , in the second division , prior to that they played a friendly match against Leicester and Gordon was in goal and I took my boy with me Tim , who was only a toddler at the time , and he , I stood him on the old archway where the players used to run out , but the first league match was against Sunderland and Brian , actually played for Sunderland as centre forward and er Walsall ran out four-three winners in the end Tony , who was Walsall inside left got a hat trick and I believe Tommy , got the other goal and Brian scored for Sunderland , then the er we went on to the , the first away match which was at Derby County , and Walsall won that three-one .
28 It was too dear to her to take on ‘ the degraded position of a woman who had forsaken husband and child and formed a union with her lover … she would always be a guilty woman continually threatened with exposure , deceiving her husband for the sake of a shameful union with a man who was a stranger and independent of her , and with whom she could not live a united life .
29 Dot realized she 'd already left to visit the man who was a gutless jink .
30 Long was a choleric , short-tempered man who was a constant trial to colleagues in opposition or in power .
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