Example sentences of "[noun] who could [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 During World War II , it was the rough-and-ready American GI who could fix the stalled jeep in Normandy while the French regiment only looked on .
2 The urban guilds and merchants steadily advanced in wealth and power , and began to spawn a top bourgeoisie of financiers and international traders who could help the landowners to invest their surplus capital profitably .
3 The very real tragedy was in the fate of one man and what was needed was an Everyman figure who could carry the story by being charming , innocent , ordinary , and haunted and that is what the skills of Muni could give them .
4 His training had benefited from the extra time , he was assured by any superior who could spare the energy to talk to him , and indeed he was an expert radio operator and cipherist , who could also — in theory — kill , survive , and use a parachute .
5 Good-looking eejits who could charm the birds off the trees . ’
6 Towards the end , as the stage show of The King And I moved triumphantly from city to city , Rock began to feel like the boy who could see the emperor had no clothes .
7 But with Bob Marley , Blackwell at last found the performer who could escape the ‘ ghettoisation ’ to which Jamaican music had always been subjected .
8 In Bobby Collins you had a pocket battleship of an inside-forward who could mix the sacred with the profane .
9 She had a formidable intellect , she was a brilliant theoretician who could make the most complex ideas accessible .
10 Clearly , a member of parliament who could take the foul-mouthed uncle William far from the laird of Craigie 's children might legitimately expect the memory of such a favour to persist for an election or two .
11 The idea was that the few men in the University who could read the original language of the Edda and the Sagas should group together with those who wished to learn , and read their way through the principal texts .
12 If I can do it , I 'm sure there are plenty of other talented players in Victoria who could do the same ’ , he said .
13 It was as expensive as it looks , but then , Alaa bolero tops do not come at bargain basement prices and in any case who could resist the temptation to pirouette up stairs like this ?
14 Premier John Major warned of stronger sanctions against those in the conference who could end the war .
15 And it was the earls who could produce the great and so necessary manpower .
16 They almost did , because they had difficulty finding a man in the shop who could drive the car .
17 The dearth was of persons who could give the only kind of witness that counts with those looking for help , the kind that is couched in the first person singular ’ ( Trueblood 1961:51 ) .
18 Although possibly more relevant in connection with reinstatement the tenant should attempt to place some limitation on the persons who could void the policy .
19 As far as the working classes were concerned all that was needed was managers who could determine the right mix of films and the right range of prices to suit the specific down-town drop-in cinemas and even more the neighbourhood and small-town cinemas that were now increasingly thought of as catering for ‘ industrial ’ or working-men audiences .
20 In Stuart Davies and Emyr Lewis we have two forwards in the same mould who could do the same to France one day .
21 In a similar situation some years ago Rwanda had to abandon a plan to move the last 146 elephants in the country 40 km through a densely populated area because they could not find anyone in Africa who could run the drive .
22 Keen to encourage a wider audience , Sydney Newman , as Producer , also cast a female lead in the series to play the part of Professor Meadows , an ‘ older woman ’ character who could relate the plot 's weird happenings in human terms to the young , but now more grown-up , children .
23 He said that he believed I was the only person who could carry the country through .
24 The King , however , undeterred by this , told the Prime Minister that he believed that he was the only person who could carry the country through' .
25 He said he believed I was the only person who could carry the country through .
26 He said that he believed I was the only person who could carry the country through …
27 What else could the King have meant when he told MacDonald that he was ‘ the only person who could carry the country through ’ and that he , the King , would strongly advise the leaders of the other parties to support him ?
28 She despised herself utterly for being the sort of person who could contemplate the slaughter of another woman with savage joy .
29 He must be more patient and brace himself up to realise that he was the only person who could tackle the present chaotic state of affairs , ' This was the fourth time the King had told MacDonald that he would not accept his resignation .
30 If I started again I would like to have … ( 1 ) a ghost writer , not for my speeches but for my letters and statements : he would be the kind of person who could take the Ministry 's policy and translate it into the kind of words I would use ; ( 2 ) perhaps an economist ; and ( 3 ) a general investigator whose job it would be to brief me so that I could participate intelligently at Cabinet Committees and in Cabinet on subjects outside my own Department .
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