Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is believed that it was built as a chantry chapel in memory of Robert de Tattershall who died in 1121 .
2 His stay was brief , for in 1950 it was sold to the West Midlands Farmers Association who remained until 1974 .
3 ‘ I thought I would use a grenade ’ , said Vu Van Hau , a 22-year-old Vietnamese soldier who served for three years in Kompong Cham and Kompong Thom provinces , before returning to his native Ho Chi Minh City as part of the September withdrawal .
4 On the contrary , it is to yearn for closer unity to be built on firm foundations and to reflect the real desires of a complex patchwork of different nations and of peoples who live in that part of the world geographically known as Europe .
5 Waldendale means the dale of the Welshman , Welsh being a word once used to describe any foreigner , though in this case it probably refers to the last remnants of the Celtic peoples who retreated to this dale in the face of Norse and Anglo-Saxon expansion .
6 Western philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries who speculated on these matters usually emphasized two criteria :
7 Those Shias who escaped into southern Iran are housed in transit camps around Khorramshahr and the other main points of entry ( see map on previous page ) .
8 A defendant who relies on this ground would be wise to file an affidavit in answer to the plaintiff 's affidavit and not leave all the argument to the application itself .
9 Contributors should therefore bear in mind those readers who work in other fields and those for whom English is a second language , and write clearly and simply , avoiding unnecessary technical terminology .
10 Thus The Telegraph under its new editor has sought to shed its Torygraph image by appealing over the heads of what Max Hastings described as his paper 's principal readership — ‘ the landed middle class ’ ( sic ) and ‘ a second tier of readers who live in suburban bungalows with caravans in the garden ’ — to the solvent young city ( or City ) based consumer via state-or-the-art computer graphics in last year 's ‘ Hitch-hiker 's Guide ’ tv ad campaign .
11 Today 's prayer was written by St Richard of Chichester who lived from 1197 to 1253 .
12 Aside from Boyce and Lee , these include Edward Howard , a CIA employee who finally defected to Moscow taking with him a hoard of secret information about his work ; the Walker trio who for 17 years handed over details of US Navy cryptograhic equipment to the Russians in exchange for $750,000 ; Bruce Ott , a USAF airman who tried to sell the Russians a copy of the SR-71 spy plane operating manual ; Robert Miller , an FBI agent who passed on secret documents to the Russians ; Ronald Pelton , a communications expert with the NSA who for five years gave the Russians details of his work ; Clyde Conrad , a retired US Army sergeant who for five years is alleged to have handed over top army contingency plans to the East ; and Jonathan Pollard , a US Navy counter-intelligence analyst who was paid $50,000 by Israeli intelligence for top naval information , a particularly embarrassing incident .
13 A telephone call to London found an agent who specialised in such transactions , and an appointment was made .
14 He thought that any Special Agent who dressed like this guy would be disciplined .
15 Particular units who operated for long periods at a time in the jungle became so adept in their surroundings they became known as ‘ Green Ghosts ’ .
16 Political officers would be attached to units who worked in close co-operation with line officers .
17 This happy coincidence — happy , that is , for all those visionaries and seers who speak in sonorous phrases about the ‘ New Pacific Century ’ and the ‘ Grand Pacific Age ’ , and find such a discovery a perfect symbol of what they 're talking about — has been the case ever since 22 October 1884 , when a group of scientists and politicians met in a hotel in Washington DC and set down the rules by which the planet was henceforth to organize the keeping of its time .
18 Perchance I was speaking by telephone this afternoon to a building contractor who specialises in this type of work .
19 That was David who works for Fast Forward .
20 Wives prepared to report marital rape to the police may well have husbands who fall into this category .
21 In a report published on Aug. 5 the human rights group Amnesty International ( AI ) cited a witness who spoke of mass executions and human rights abuses in the inter-clan conflicts of recent months , and said that this report was consistent with others received by AI .
22 The provision of bed covers , curtains , pelmets , chair covers and furniture were all co-ordinated by the contracts department who liaised with other manufacturers .
23 BOGOTA ( Reuter ) — Roberto Salazar Manrique , an economist , was named as Colombia 's new justice minister , replacing Monica de Greiff who resigned after repeated death threats by drug traffickers .
24 The dead King had been a lecher who lusted after other men 's wives , daughters , sisters , like a dog on heat .
25 When it comes to financial planning , women often have different requirements to men , so it can help to see an independent financial adviser who specialises in this area .
26 There was , however , one troubling group inherited from the Roman past , which remained a permanent feature of the social landscape of Western Europe : the Jews who existed in most Roman towns , in large numbers or small .
27 The museum had taken over the northern end of the building but the main hall of what had been Damiani 's factory , with its vaulted roof and tunnels , was in semi-derelict condition , leased on occasion to a firm of Iranian-born Jews who dealt in Persian art .
28 Bidding was kept lively by a large number of Italian clients who according to one organiser all arrived in open Porsches with Milan number plates and invariably occupied front row seats ‘ flamboyant but not the very rich sort of Italians , you understand ’ , he said .
29 Clients who buy through this service will receive a quarterly newsletter .
30 Luton 's Paul Telfer has already told Brown of a team-mate who comes into that category and the manager admits that exercising the latitude recently agreed by the SFA is necessary because it is a formidable task to replace six players in that age group .
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