Example sentences of "[noun] can [adv] always [be] " in BNC.

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1 Struggles about language are long drawn-out : speakers can not always be brought to see the point of innovations , still less the virtue in them .
2 You may need to do some lateral thinking , as savings can not always be related to the size of the cheques you write out each month .
3 It can be seen from this that the data can not always be taken at face value and that users need to be warned of these problems .
4 Inevitably , any classification of such bodies must be arbitrary ; clear boundaries between quasi-government and more orthodox areas of public administration can not always be drawn .
5 Parents can not always be on the spot to point out the sensible course of action , to remind children about the rules or to enforce them .
6 Because of the variety of systems and equipment , a specialist can not always be available and the service personnel have to solve the problem .
7 Nevertheless the indirect ecological effects can not always be foreseen .
8 senses can not always be derived by affix-stripping , e.g. ’ conductivity ’ derives from ’ conduct ’ , but corresponds only to the electrical sense ( one would not talk of the ’ conductivity ’ of an orchestra ) ;
9 The equipment can not always be easily provided .
10 Within an unknown number of marriages as yet unbroken , marital harmony can not always be assumed .
11 That a range of quarries was exploited in the Mediterranean area is not in doubt , but particular sculpted pieces can not always be attributed to particular quarries on purely visual grounds .
12 Our description of short-term contract working In one of its most traditional forms — seasonal working — has shown that temporary workers can not always be distinguished from regular workers simply by reference to the contract of employment under which they work .
13 Even if we confine ourselves to the difference of aim between reformist and revolutionary parties ( or of social movements , which can be classified in a similar way ) , the distinction can not always be made in an absolutely clear-cut fashion .
14 While uniformity of view between the managing partners can not always be achieved every effort has to be made to avoid discrepancies .
15 While complete impartiality can not always be expected in such a case , the obligations of natural justice or fairness may still require that a minister hear representations .
16 The answer is that an isolated skull can not always be so classified .
17 To explain , requires the use of terms less abstruse than that which is to be explained , and such terms can not always be found ; for as nothing can be proved but by supposing something intuitively known , and evident without Proof , so nothing can be defined but by the use of words too plain to admit a definition .
18 Of course , no government operates with a clean sheet : the allocation of responsibilities between the various agencies of the state can not always be changed easily or quickly .
19 With strong winds , the tendency to swing into the wind is far more pronounced , and after landing the swing can not always be controlled by full rudder .
20 Since some terms such as " trust " are technical , a technical interpretation can not always be avoided .
21 An acute reaction to food may be difficult to distinguish from a viral infection that produces an attack of gastroenteritis , because the virus can not always be detected in the baby 's stools .
22 Phileo love would do quite nicely but unfortunately phileo can not always be counted on .
23 For example , they have had and still have close links with well-defined groups like schoolchildren whose educational needs in terms of libraries and information can not always be met within the environment of the school .
24 Externally the palazzo is genuinely four-sided , I say ‘ genuinely ’ because although all buildings are four-sided ( unless they are triangular ) , each of the four sides can not always be viewed and walked along as they can here .
25 What some of us have come to expect from Jack Charlton can not always be adequately defined : obdurate , quick-tempered , argumentative but unfailingly loyal and never less than a man .
26 6.1 Violent behaviour by clients or members of the public can not always be predicted .
27 Those stones with a diameter of less than 1 cm can almost always be removed , whereas those more than 1.5 cm diameter often cause difficulties .
28 The suggested causes of a given phenomenon can not always be independently observed , and so it is hard to rule out the possibility of there being explanations alternative to the one proposed .
29 For a head to override governors and parents in one sense contradicts the spirit of the manager as consulter but it still underlines the need to realize that consultation is not endless and that consensus can not always be achieved .
30 Right , so by looking at the graph , I am just trying to impress upon you that structural change can not always be spotted simply by looking at the data right , anyway , let's now move on to estimate our first model .
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