Example sentences of "[noun] can [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Chairman , two points I want to make and er I get , I can link where the words can go on the top where under the leadership of County er survey , and the la at the end of that last paragraph .
2 There is calm and joy , too , when the mind can focus on the magnificence and beauty of the transcendent .
3 If jealousy for the wife 's attentions can arise on the husband 's part , envy of the husband 's relative freedom can exist in the wife and mother .
4 If one side of the package is replaced by a glass window , so that light can fall on the memory cells , then it is found that the incident light accelerates the decay process in manner proportional both to the intensity and to the duration of the exposure .
5 All the archaeologist can do on the line of this new road is to hurriedly record features and salvage finds .
6 The interpretation of these provisions may provide material for " construction " summonses where one of the parties asks the court to interpret the words used in the lease so that the rent review can proceed on the basis desired by the applicant .
7 Teachers who use these books can draw on the banks of ideas they provide to extend and diversify their current practice .
8 The site will be completely cleared and made safe until building work can start on the new development .
9 He hopes work can start on the unit in roughly four weeks time .
10 He hopes work can start on the unit in roughly four weeks time .
11 Scotch Whisky is the water of life for many remote islands and glens in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland , where whole communities can depend on the distillery .
12 In this way , the expert can concentrate on the most difficult problems .
13 These two cases also illustrate the effect that emotional blocks or upsets can have on the overall health of the individual .
14 Another interesting example of the powerful effect which hypnosis can have on the various planes of the individual is provided by the case of a middle-aged lady from Stornoway who was admitted to the local cottage hospital with terminal breast cancer .
15 ‘ Others more qualified than I am in these matters can comment on the economic sense or otherwise of the proposed pit closures .
16 The teacher can comment on the image , trying to deepen commitment to the work and draw out the significance of what has been made .
17 The teacher can comment on the images , as in this example ; but with a large part of the class functioning as an audience we have an opportunity for involving them actively in the process and developing the sense that in educational drama the " audience " should be active and responsible .
18 On the Sulawesi warty pig 's native island , which it shares with the babirusa , its fortunes can depend on the religion of the people in the neighbourhood .
19 The restaurant overlooks the bay and in high season guests can dine on the terrace .
20 The search for a required record can start on the home track and continue until the record is located .
21 Where the material to be used in enquiry work is audio-visual ( as for instance a filmstrip , perhaps with the accompanying booklet transcribed on to audio-cassette so that the eye can concentrate on the pictures and the slower readers have quick access to the text ) then of course suitable equipment must be available in sufficient quantity for the expected numbers of students at any one time .
22 The experiments in the previous chapter showed the effects that word boundary ambiguity can have on the size of the word graph given different phonemic inputs .
23 Thus , to the extent of the amount of income available in the year and the following years an income tax charge can arise on the settlor .
24 We also speak of being ‘ consumed ’ with guilt and , although we are not literally eaten away , the phrase is not so very far from the truth when you consider the harmful effect guilt can have on the physical body .
25 Tessa money in building societies is guaranteed a higher level of protection : investors can count on the return of 90% of their first £20,000 if the society goes broke .
26 Varying in size from about 30 to 150 , these teams can draw on the expertise of support groups dealing with specific areas such as material composition and structure , analysis and measurement , property characterization , electrochemical technology , process engineering and so on .
27 Mr Ciampi can count on the support of the other members of Mr Amato 's coalition and the Republicans , Greens , and , presumably , the PDS ( though there were rumblings of revolt from the left of the party when its leader , Achille Occhetto , gave his support ) .
28 As the £38 million Redbridge District Hospital in Essex welcomes its first patients , WCUK can reflect on the first-class treatment it has been able to give to this important health care project .
29 It is hard to imagine the effect water can have on the lives of normal everyday people , there were about six or seven houses that I knew of that almost completely wrecked .
30 Their responsibility for improving relations between police and public makes them sensitive to the disastrous effect that wrongly exercised discretion can have on the public 's perception of the RUC .
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