Example sentences of "[noun] will [verb] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 Such considerations will apply at all periods , in prehistory as in documented history .
2 My department will deal with all enquiries resulting from the canvas , including those concerning banding .
3 It it 's a group effort as most things are here and er Pat will realize for all the volunteers that come in .
4 Subordinated loan stock will rank behind all unsecured creditors but ahead of preference shareholders and ordinary shareholders .
5 Equal ruthlessness was applied to those who misused the railways and were brought before ‘ the revolutionary tribunal , whose avenging hammer will fall with all its crushing might and wrath ’ .
6 Even today , of course , whether the child will survive at all is still the overriding consideration for millions of mothers in the underdeveloped areas of the world .
7 The problem here is that while purse nets will account for all the rabbits leaving the netted holes — or those attempting to return via those holes — some rabbits will undoubtedly return to the warren via the unnetted holes .
8 If such matters are not covered in the partnership agreement or the partners are unable to reach agreement between themselves on an ad hoc basis , dissolution will proceed in all respects strictly in accordance with the Partnership Act .
9 And his recovery will prove to all sufferers that the disease can be cured .
10 ‘ The debate is no longer whether the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative will spread to all schools but when it will . ’
11 In common with other Intel coprocessors one device will run at all speeds up to 33MHz , the speed of Intel 's fastest 386DX chip .
12 A crystallised charge will bite on all the assets covered by the charge since normally a floating charge does not provide for crystallisation over part only of the assets to which it relates .
13 Banks will lend to all but their smaller customers in this wholesale market adding an additional margin over Libor , which of course represents the bulk of their marginal funding cost .
14 The planner is endorsed by Peter Alliss who stated , " This excellent new planner will appeal to all golfers , invaluable for those in golf administration and everyone who follows the game . "
15 Mental handicap is a disability which a person will live with all their lives .
16 The usual civil legal aid test on means and merits will apply to all other proceedings under the Act including applications for : ( a ) a s8 order ; ( b ) the discharge of a care order ; ( c ) the variation or discharge of a supervision order ; ( d ) contact with a child in care ; ( e ) the variation or discharge of a contact order ; ( f ) an education supervision order .
17 Thus in considering whether there is a sufficient connection with this country the court will look at all the circumstances , including the residence and place of business of the defendant , his connection with the insolvent , the nature and purpose of the transaction being impugned , the nature and locality of the property involved , the circumstances in which the defendant became involved in the transaction or received a benefit from it or acquired the property in question , whether the defendant acted in good faith , and whether under any relevant foreign law the defendant acquired an unimpeachable title free from any claims even if the insolvent had been adjudged bankrupt or wound up locally .
18 What I want to look at now , a new sub-heading , and it 's the relationship , right , between total , average and marginal functions As you may be aware that economists are obsessed with the concept of the margin and there 's a neat relationship a couple of relationships embedded , alright , er embedded in this relationship between total marginal and average functions that is applicable to all total marginal and average functions whether we whether we be looking at marginal cost , marginal revenue , marginal products , right , the same relationship will hold for all of them .
19 ‘ Your Uncle Philip will see to all that , ’ said Mrs Rundle .
20 A tribunal will look at all the relevant facts before making up its mind .
21 ‘ The commission will act to all intents and purposes like a court within Mr McTear 's front room , and this step will allow the case to continue after my client 's death . ’
22 How many people will sit through all four episodes remains to be seen .
23 People will turn to all sorts of people under all sorts of conditions just to get a sympathetic response , ’ says Dr Derek Milne , chartered clinical psychologist for Northumbria health authority .
24 In other words it 's , it 's sticking from east to west , people will know of all the thing , it 's er tell you that many from eastern parts and western parts were called and reclined at the table , in other words this , well this good news that Jesus was sticking on this
25 And that they , two people , you know somebody every week will collect in all the languages books and take them along er , or the language homework and take them along to their language teacher and the other one will take the history le , homework and take them on to the history teacher , and then they go off to assembly alright ?
26 Once intervention rates have been altered in this fashion , a change in rates will occur across all sterling money markets .
27 The extended-family network is vital for survival : one woman will look after all the children while the others work .
28 Walker 's worry is that neo-Nazis will travel from all parts of Germany and treat the clash between the champions of England and of Germany almost like a mini international He is confident that Leeds have taken all reasonable precautions but added : ‘ The great bulk of Leeds supporters are well behaved and will subject themselves to checks .
29 One is that the Bill will extend to all consumers in Scotland the option of being able to pay for water by metered charges if they wish , having the amount that they use recorded and being charged direct .
30 Of course , this Bill will go through all its stages in the normal way .
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