Example sentences of "[noun] there had [been] a " in BNC.

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1 It seems to me quite certain that , if for four centuries there had been a very widely extended franchise and a very large elected body in this country , there would have been no reformation of religion , no change of dynasty , no toleration of Dissent , not even an accurate Calendar .
2 The concept of a separation of science from religion during the seventeenth century implies that during preceding centuries there had been a fusion .
3 His calls in the District 's Annual Report for renewed efforts to encourage students to become members were echoed in the Norfolk Democrat , the magazine of the Norfolk Federation among whose branches there had been a particularly serious loss of membership .
4 Throughout the nineteenth century in most industrialised nations there had been a growing need for governments to obtain reliable knowledge about the state of their societies .
5 Several hours before the escape there had been a drinking session at the prison , paid for by Bibit , involving inmates , guards and female visitors .
6 Ann Wigglesworth observed that when Augustine and Indir Borde had come for the Church of Scotland there had been a considerable delay and difficulty in getting their work permits and Ros Lyle brought evidence from the Welsh Presbyterial Church and Council for World Mission , where political pressure was needed in order to secure a permit for someone .
7 The nature of the court 's work There had been a tendency largely to disregard applications as being incidental to the main task of deciding appeals and as not significant in themselves .
8 Prior to the 1966 Act there had been a duty imposed on the National Assistance Board to give assistance to those in need by the payment of national assistance , but no corresponding right for individuals to receive assistance .
9 Contrast with this case Hiort v. Bott , where A mistakenly sent an invoice for barley to B ( who had ordered none ) , which stated that B had bought the barley of A through G as broker ; and A also sent B a delivery order which made the barley deliverable to the order of A or of B. G then told B there had been a mistake and got B to endorse the delivery order to himself .
10 In the 1970s it was recognised that for decades there had been a growing imbalance between the consumer and the supplier or manufacturer .
11 During the mid-1980s there had been a decline of organized violence inspired by the PLO but an increase in individual acts , a register of growing popular frustration at the situation and , in retrospect , a register of the growing internal pressures .
12 During the Repubblichini period there had been a Secretary to the Party in Fontanellato .
13 At some point there had been a pint-pot filled with water .
14 Eliot felt that at Munich there had been a betrayal which seemed to demand an act of almost personal contrition .
15 In both Slovenia and Croatia there had been a proliferation of new political parties in the past year .
16 At the end of the war there had been a lot of money-grants for reconstruction as well as tax concessions .
17 There was the cold empty space in the bed beside her , the space where for over thirty years there had been a warm , reassuring presence .
18 In recent years there had been a considerable increase in the revenue derived from tourism .
19 There was no intention of converting Purley Depôt to a bus garage , as although of a more regular shape , its only entrance was on a busy part of the main Brighton Road and over the years there had been a number of near misses with other traffic , when trams were entering or leaving and the local press had conducted a campaign against its dangerous location .
20 So , over the years there had been a number of leather bags added to those under the loose floor boards beneath the bed in which she now spent her nights and , in her time , expected to die …
21 For some years there had been a gathering discontent around the boisterous arrival of working-class people at holiday resorts , where the Bank Holidays were regularly associated with heavy drinking , shrieking girls and the occasional free fight .
22 If it could be shown that over the years there had been a major redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor , this would indicate a reduction in class inequalities .
23 When she had asked his name there had been a slight , but noticeable , hesitation before he 'd answered .
24 For a while there had been a feeling that they were asking the right questions and that at any moment the individual answers would shuffle themselves into a significant total .
25 By the sound of it , World War III was breaking out behind her and after the race there had been a stewards ' inquiry .
26 Even so , I thought on occasion there had been a loss ; nothing necessarily to do with oxygen starvation but just as a result of the experience , the shock of his cold journey , slipping away beneath the grey lid of ice ( and perhaps , I told myself in later years , it was only a loss of ignorance , a loss of folly , and so no bad thing ) .
27 As we drove back to the airport Smith said that at the end of the war he had been executive officer at a naval air base in California , and that one of the officers there had been a certain Lieutenant Richard Milhous Nixon .
28 That night there had been a dinner for some of his London friends , they sat up late and there was a kind of wager , they went out into the park , it was a chilly night , and Simon in his evening clothes jumped into the water-piece .
29 In addition there had been a positive international response , including a US$400,000,000 World Bank emergency loan , to the June earthquake [ see pp. 37521-22 ] .
30 In addition there had been a report on June 30 that the Supreme Council had changed the law on the status of deputies , including a provision for annulling a deputy 's mandate if his or her activity tended to hinder the development of an independent democratic state .
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