Example sentences of "[noun] has been [to-vb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 His signal achievement at Chanel has been to take all the familiar Chanel ideas , the neat , gilt buttoned suit , the chain handbags , the bows , the camellias , throw them up in the air , alter their proportions , and re-make the look invented by Coco for Twenties flappers , so that it strikes a new chord .
2 Officialdom 's response has been to throw more money at the problem .
3 The Government response has been to accept these recommendations in principle ‘ subject to further consideration being given to timing and the availability of resources ’ ( Government Response to Benson , 1983 ) .
4 The extent of Michael 's ‘ multi-media ’ experience has been to take some Polaroid shots of drawings of his dog .
5 The result has been to destroy much of the progress in health care over the years preceding each dispute .
6 For neurophysiologists and neuropsychologists , the way forward in understanding perception has been to correlate these dimensions of experience with , firstly , the material properties of the experienced object or event ( usually regarded as the ‘ stimulus ’ ) and , secondly , the patterns of discharges in the sensory system .
7 The cumulative effect has been to remove much of the archaeological evidence for settlement from the slopes and uplands , leaving behind only the remnants of flint implements and pottery and the deepest post holes .
8 One solution to the problems caused by the withdrawal of rail transport in rural areas has been to replace these services with buses .
9 The history of the imposition of obligations without compensation has been to push that point progressively further on and to add to the list of requirements considered to be essential to the well-being of the community .
10 There is no doubt that the effect of GATT over most of the postwar years has been to remove some of the protection afforded to national markets .
11 The reaction of governments has been to resist such initiatives and view them as threats .
12 Our central initiative has been to urge that Labour , with others , should mobilise a major national demonstration , plus cultural activities , that would provide a unifying focus for campaigners .
13 I do not claim to be comprehensive in what follows , rather my aim has been to assess some of the main features of kin support in the past which have particular relevance to the central theme of this book — how important are duty , obligation and responsibility in motivating the support which people give to their relatives ?
14 Althusser 's procedure has been to show that , within a notion of history that seemed as if it could be invoked on its own as self-evident , there rests an entire presupposition about the conception of the social whole that is not derived from Marxist theory .
15 On the other hand , the coastline 's area is zero , so neither a one-dimensional nor a two-dimensional picture is appropriate , and in fact the way in which the length increases with resolution suggests a dimension D of about 1.2 The mathematics of sets of points with fractional dimensionality was developed in the early years of this century , but associated geometric objects were considered as ‘ pathological ’ and not corresponding to anything in Nature , Mandelbrot 's massive and single-minded achievement has been to convert this abstract formalism into a flourishing branch of applied mathematics , in three ways .
16 His achievement has been to cross that hitherto unrepresented culture into the mainstream ; to disrupt the patina of early evening viewing simply by being himself .
17 The NHS Management Executive has now created a prescribing team , one of whose first actions has been to require that prescribing is a priority for medical advisers .
18 The purpose of this paper has been to review some of the legal issues that organisations need to address when operating in an electronic documentation environment .
19 I am by training and profession an historian ; my role has been to collect these documents , to present and elucidate them , to attempt to show their meaning and limitations , according to traditional historical methods .
20 Ultimately there would be a depreciation of the exchange rate under a free-floating regime , but the policy response of the government has been to prevent this occurring by sustaining a high level of domestic interest rates .
21 One result of my illness has been to change all that : When you are faced with the possibility of an early death , it makes you realize that life is worth living and that there are lots of things you want to do .
22 Having said that , a major recent trend has been to introduce more competition and the Post Office , for example , increasingly competes in all its operating businesses .
23 The price of this pragmatism has been to disappoint those who expected radical changes after Independence .
24 Within the English tradition of radical , ‘ Marx-influenced ’ , sociology the tendency has been to concede that social mobility is in principle important ( large-scale mobility would make a difference to one 's analysis ) , but to deny that really significant social mobility has taken place .
25 The Republican strategy of the past generation has been to confront such differences and accentuate them .
26 He thinks , by the sheer fact of not playing on something , his contribution has been to leave all the space for everybody else .
27 One approach to the problem has been to list all the various kinds of non-business organizations , pointing out their political , economic , and social differences , and then build the accounting theories from there .
28 The solution adopted in converting several two-aisled church interiors into dwellings has been to regard this low-level central strip as a spinal access corridor serving all , or most of the flats — a sort of internal ‘ street ’ .
29 What I have been concerned about in this short section has been to compare some simple forms of growth equations deriving from quite different traditions .
30 But instead of embracing the group soul ( Jung 's Collective unconscious ) the inevitable consequence of the backlash into demythologising has been to surrender this concept to the Greenpeace/ Aquarian/New Age wholemeal-sandals people .
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