Example sentences of "[noun] has go [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Biochemistry , I see Mrs Hayman 's cholesterol has gone down a bit — Lizzie 's chest X-ray — haematology , Betty 's haemoglobin 's not too good — oh , the Hazell family 's tissue-typing results — ’ She gazed at them shaking her head sadly .
2 His business has gone down a third .
3 Things have really taken off , our whole output has gone up a notch .
4 I get out I get out of bed at eight o' clock when the last of the lodgers has gone well the last of the two lodgers
5 Hughie said : ‘ You can say that shipbuilding in Whitby has gone down the sewer .
6 The size of the speaker has gone up a notch here to 10″ , with the dimension of the ports increased accordingly .
7 She was blue when they carried her in , but it looks as though the stone has gone down the right way . ’
8 Yet despite these differences , English English has gone quite a long way down the road of a more-or-less Americanized professionalism , as identified and rejected in the 1960s by Leavis , Lewis , and Gardner .
9 A sporting fairy tale … but hold on … will Nigel and the Williams team from Oxfordshire live happily ever after … believe it or not before the bubbly has gone flat the sporting world is alive with speculation about the future of Mansell …
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