Example sentences of "[noun] not [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are big prizes at stake , although Roy , Judy and the other contestants do n't yet know it , they could win a car not forgetting a bendy bully for the mantlepiece .
2 The only study not to find a clear positive relationship between volume and volatility is the cross-section study of 25 futures by Telser and Higinbotham ( 1977 ) .
3 O. alberti is similar to O. gracilis Koehler , 1914 ( Fig. 23 ) from the West Indies ( Albatross Stn 2751 16° 54'N : 63° 12'W 1236 m ) the main differences appear to be the arrangement of the oral papillae and tentacle scales which are more regularly arranged in O. gracilis not forming an irregular line along the edge of the adoral shields .
4 Banking and Tory party sources say that ministerial proposals to charge students a proportion of their tuition fees and other more radical ideas have been abandoned in the face of tough Treasury opposition , the perceived weakening of Mrs Thatcher 's position following Mr Nigel Lawson 's resignation , and her declared intention not to serve a full fourth term if re-elected .
5 A buyer under a tender offer , on the other hand , faces no such restriction unless he has stated or implied his intention not to make a full bid .
6 Differences in economic priorities had emerged soon after Germany indicated its intention not to authorize an early cut in interest rates .
7 Distancing himself from the CPSU , he promised as President not to represent a single political trend but to involve the full range of " public thought " in government .
8 The courts have also refused to interfere with a policy direction not to enforce a particular law .
9 No-one minds a few Greenpeace loonies demonstrating , but when you get nice middle-class housewives not wanting a nuclear station in their back-yard , you 're in trouble .
10 When we are privileged to know this in advance ( and I think that it is wrong in nearly all cases not to tell a dying patient ) it is a time for preparation and repentance , and ultimately of acceptance .
11 Or for a student studying literature not to grasp a wide range of ‘ readings ’ of the works of Jane Austen , for instance ( including Marxist , feminist and post-structuralist readings ) .
12 The manoeuvring ability left to the Callaghan government was now slight , following the decision not to call an early election .
13 And it says the decision not to assign a psychiatric nurse was made on medical and not financial grounds .
14 In June opposition parties had boycotted parliament in protest against the government 's decision not to appoint a special tribunal to try Azam for war crimes allegedly committed during the 1971 war of independence [ see pp. 38967 ; 39007 ] .
15 Moreover , the NUM decision not to hold a national strike ballot , but opt for the ‘ domino-effect ’ instead , was based on a belief that the former was too risky because the self-interested attitude of groups such as the Notts .
16 Patients sought a declaration that the Secretary of State and health authorities were in breach of duty as they had had to wait an unreasonable time , because of a decision not to build a new block for a hospital on grounds of cost .
17 The families ' lawyer , Ann Alexander , called on Mrs Bottomley to meet a delegation of parents so they could tell her ‘ why the decision not to have a full public inquiry is wrong ’ .
18 ( 2 ) That the court 's discretionary jurisdiction to stay criminal proceedings should be exercised very sparingly and only in exceptional circumstances ; that , while the longer the delay was the greater was the likelihood that the prosecution was at fault and that the defendant had suffered prejudice and the less the prosecution could explain the delay the easier it would be to infer fault , the question whether the defendant had discharged the heavy burden of demonstrating that it would be an abuse of the process of the court for the proceedings to continue , was to be considered in the light of all the circumstances without applying shifting burdens of proof ; and that , accordingly , since the district judge had correctly taken into account all the relevant factors , and had made no error as to the burden of proof , there were no grounds on which the High Court judge could have reversed the district judge 's decision not to grant a perpetual stay of the 1989 prosecution ( post , pp. 261B , 264E–F , G–H , 265A–B ) .
19 Traffic wardens can also become involved with this offence by detecting a vehicle not displaying a current excise licence .
20 Secondly , why did Fr O'Dowd not make an official complaint against the Daily Telegraph .
21 The claims of democracy would never have been admitted in the present liberal democracies had those countries not got a solid basis of liberalism first .
22 Just after lunch , as she was wriggling into her guide uniform , which had grown somewhat tight , Miss Lodsworth looked out of the window and saw a girl not wearing a hard hat clattering five ponies down the High Street .
23 And she added the move not to establish a special badge scheme would disenfranchise disabled car users from using the town centre , and force many to shop elsewhere .
24 They have all introduced a discount scheme to enable those unfortunate enough not to have a job not to have a proper job the same access to all these facilities as those in work .
25 However often he and his ministers warned the population not to expect an overnight return to prewar prosperity , the head of the government was naturally held accountable for the persistence of food and fuel shortages , black marketeering , and bread rationing .
26 Their Lordships turn to the first of the orders under appeal , namely the order of Barnett J. refusing to overturn the decision of Judge Cameron not to grant a perpetual stay of the Barclays ( Asia ) prosecution .
27 Khan was in Washington for talks with United States officials during which he repeated undertakings not to explode a nuclear weapon or transfer nuclear technology to other countries .
28 His coalition , the first Finnish government in 25 years not to include a left-wing party , embraced the right-wing National Coalition Party ( KOK , led by outgoing Prime Minister Harri Holkeri ) , the Swedish People 's Party ( SFP ) , and the Finnish Christian Union ( SKL ) .
29 NKr1,000 million to the " savings bank insurance fund " , and NKr4,500 million to a new " bank investment fund " to support banks not facing an acute crisis but needing more capital .
30 There are certain other circumstances in which this problem of unduly encouraging an authority to reach a particular decision does not arise and in which a scheme of compensation might be feasible and desirable : where there is no question of a decision being re-made , notably where the time-limit for challenging an allegedly illegal decision has run out ( through no fault of the applicant ) ; or where a citizen has suffered loss by relying on a representation by a public body that it will act in a particular way , in circumstances where the law will not require the body to make good its representation because it has undertaken to act illegally ; or where a court exercises its discretion not to quash an illegal decision In such cases the problem of causation does not exist because the decision in question will not be reconsidered .
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