Example sentences of "[noun] at the time he " in BNC.

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1 To tell the truth , I did n't have a steady girlfriend at the time he swanned into the Cafè des Squires and exited with Gillian .
2 During the trial at the Old Bailey in London 15 witnesses testified that Mr Thorburn , a general manager of an electronics company , had been practising for the Tam o' Shanter golf tournament near his mother 's home in Ayr at the time he was alleged to have raped her .
3 Now , he does n't say anything about penis envy in , in putting that forward and I do n't know whether penis envy was in his mind at the time he wrote those words and even if I asked him today , he probably would n't admit it .
4 Other critical statements made about a plaintiff are irrelevant unless they shed light on the defendant 's state of mind at the time he wrote the article which gave rise to the action .
5 We can now not only see how justified this comment was but , in details inaccessible to Freud at the time he was writing , can determine with some exactness both the causes and the consequences of this fateful development in human evolution .
6 Celsus senior may have been very advanced to arrive at this conception at the time he did .
7 The first defendant appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the deputy judge had been wrong in law in holding that for the substituted section 9 ( b ) of the Wills Act 1837 to be satisfied the testator had to make his signature after making the dispositive provisions ; and ( 2 ) there was no sufficient evidence upon which the deputy judge could have found that the testator had not been of testamentary capacity at the time he had made and signed the alleged codicil on 18 April 1986 .
8 It must show that the defendant had this knowledge or recklessness at the time he made the statement .
9 This can have a rather unsettling effect over a long period — the family man can not promise to take his children to the seaside or his wife out to dinner more than a week ahead without the chance that he might be in India , California or Scotland at the time he promised .
10 A person who is involved in a criminal act at the time he is injured may be denied an action .
11 Do you , he was as close to death if he had n't have gone in se to Ipswich and seen the specialist at the time he did er
12 He was aware of the danger at the time he attempted the rescue .
13 Instead , he is limited to a sum which reflects the difference between what he actually paid for the property , and what the Court thinks he would have paid had he known of the defect at the time he bought it .
14 In neither case was the customer owner of the goods at the time he disposed of them .
15 Usually ( i.e. in the case of a sale of specific goods in a deliverable state , see Chapter 3 ) , property will have passed first to B ( i. e. at the time he made his contract ) .
16 If this is the case ( as would be revealed by questioning Mrs Wood ) than an important antecedent could be lack of supervision at the time he wakes up .
17 In 1973 , Henry Kissinger got the prize at the time he was implicated in the blanket bombing of Cambodia .
18 ( 3 ) A notice under this subsection shall give such information identifying or assisting in the identification of the person who committed the act or default or gave the information as is in the possession of the person serving the notice at the time he serves it .
19 Richards insisted he was not pressurizing the umpire but doing a celebratory dance , which seemed odd since as the umpire had not raised a finger at the time he had nothing to celebrate .
20 Mr Kerrigan then questioned Mr Mackie about what it had been like working at the Kenway depot at the time he alleged drugs were being taken .
21 However , Friedman did not explicitly introduce rationality of expectations into the natural rate hypothesis , and indeed appeared to favour the use of an adaptive expectations model , at least for the US at the time he was writing .
22 Therefore , by dismissing Peres at the time he did , Shamir made certain that he would retain the premiership whatever the outcome of the Knesset vote .
23 In determining what constitutes a reasonable prospect it is to be assumed that the prospect given by the facts and other matters known to the creditor at the time he entered into the transaction resulting in the debt was a reasonable prospect ( s 271(4) ) .
24 Bagdikian argues that national boundaries are growing increasingly meaningless as the main actors ( five groups at the time he was writing ) strive for total control in the production , delivery , and marketing of what we can call the cultural-ideological goods of the global capitalist system .
25 The mercantile agent must be in possession of the goods or documents of title ; and he must have that possession at the time he sells , pledges or otherwise disposes of the goods .
26 The allegations involved making use of unpublished , price-sensitive information when he bought shares in Centreway at the time he was negotiating on City and Westminster 's behalf to buy a stake in Centreway .
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