Example sentences of "[noun] of the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The man behind the wheel of the third vehicle escaped unhurt .
2 An howitzer shell screamed down to smash the wheel of the last gun limber .
3 What the searchers ‘ found ’ were the papal letters mentioned by Lanfranc in 1072 , fortified with forged additions granting the primacy in perpetuity to the successors of the first archbishop of Canterbury .
4 The isolation of the first gene involved in determining ‘ intelligence ’ ( whatever that is ) will be a turning point in human history .
5 Though the number of Russian diplomatic missions abroad tended to fall somewhat in the decades which followed his death — there were nineteen in 1779 and ( largely for reasons of economy ) only fourteen in 1800 — the country did not relapse into the isolation of the seventeenth century .
6 I do not wish to nail my colours to this mast , but one of the characteristics of the last decade has been the shift of interest of innovative aspects of capital as displayed in my locales , from a concern with the restructuring of production ( although of course this is still going on ) to a concern with land and its potential .
7 A spokesman for LEEL said they wanted the event to continue , adding : ‘ However , our involvement was in helping to establish the feasibility of the first event .
8 Stanley Sadie , 1980 ; A. B. Emden , A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500 , 1957 ; D. Fallows , ‘ Words and Music in Two English Songs of the Mid-15th Century : Charles d'Orléans and John Lydgate ’ , Early Music , vol. v , 1977 , p. 38 . ]
9 Saturday of eighth week found her breathless and becolded , but heartened by the energy of third year Somervillians , bursting with ideas , talking of running B. R. and thinking of the next century .
10 Masterpieces by El Greco , Carracci , Murillo and Teniers were secured by the First Duke of Montagu of the second creation and his wife in the mid-eighteenth century , while as Rosamond Savile documents , the celebrated collection of Sèvres was acquired , in an astonishingly short period in 1830–31 , by the Fifth Duke of Buccleuch , who also greatly enriched the holdings of French furniture .
11 The second prejudice against dissection was held by religious people who took in a literal sense the resurrection of the body , and had an emotional commitment to this doctrine , even if intellect told them that an incomplete body could be no bar to the miracle of rising from the grave with the sounding of the last trump .
12 This meant that the magma that fed the fissures of the second phase was almost completely de-gassed , hence its quiet emission .
13 However , in the last centuries of the second millennium B.C. the Bronze-age cultures collapsed , and among the casualties of that troubled and impoverished age of retrenchment was the whole tradition of monumental art and architecture , and of representational art in any form .
14 This superiority in the visuo-spatial domain has been found in some studies to extend to perception of the third dimension .
15 But Stewart will now miss both legs of the second round — and possibly a third game — with his dismissal likely to be judged as violent conduct .
16 Hence unc on extraction of the first factor .
17 The bulk of the first part of this book is devoted to the contractual relationship between the buyer and seller , i.e. the rights and duties between them .
18 Shocked workers at John Lewis were convinced the bombers intended them to be hit by the full force of the second blast .
19 I commend the order to the House to afford continued statutory protection to the very small number of teachers taking up new contracts of employment during any hiatus between the current date of expiry of the 1987 Act and the coming into force of the first pay and conditions order under the 1991 Act .
20 " Each day " , asserted a French newspaper in 1900 , " the press becomes … more of a diplomatic force of the first order " .
21 B is then reciprocated as in 1.9(8) an the methods of the last paragraph applied .
22 Until the detailed investigative sources and court records that begin to appear in the reformed diocesan administration of the fourteenth century , we are almost totally in the dark .
23 The only really important nineteenth-century extension of European rule before 1880 had been the acquisition of a new African empire by France after the losses of the eighteenth century and the revolutionary wars .
24 Suddenly , we all heard a loud bang from the back bedroom of the second cottage , as though a door had been slammed hard .
25 For the Concordat , in theory at least , brought to a close the Investiture Contest of the twelfth century .
26 This field either contains the PSN of the last entry in this bundle assigned on that basis ( restricting the range of the search ) or contains a negative value indicating that there are no more entries of the kind in this bundle .
27 Engineers and manufacturers of the nineteenth century had to keep an eye open for the rather too-well-informed casual visitor , making notes and sketches of what was going on .
28 On 21 December , de Gaulle was elected as the first President of the Fifth Republic , with 78.5 per cent of the votes cast by an electoral college of 80,000 " notables " .
29 Besides Maxim Gorky and a daughter of L. Tolstoy , it included the President of the Second Duma and even S. N. Prokopovich , the Minister of Food in the Provisional Government of 1917 , who was neither a Bolshevik nor a Menshevik .
30 Karl Egon von Fürstenburg , who died in 1757 , was a president of the first Academy of Sciences .
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