Example sentences of "[noun] the other [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He said in 90 Minutes the other week that his dream is to play for a big Italian club .
2 I was at the Madness gig at Finsbury Park the other week and Vince had me removed from the premises !
3 See if they yeah , they have n't got any video cases , they had some video cases the other day and I forgot to get some
4 Of course the other irony as well is that the powers that meet at the conference at St Petersburg er the powers decide they will intervene in Greece .
5 And she all an and she were also telling me that erm Ben er two boys at school set about Ben the other night and beat him up !
6 And er I told Mum the other day that w in double science we 've still got to do one and a half topics .
7 Good to get your card the other day and to know that you got safely home from , even if concerned by the cost of the visit .
8 Justin says he was signed up while in a local resturant the other day and has never run a marathon before but has always wanted to …
9 on the telly the other night and they were showing this fellow scragging the kids in the kitchen , god and I thought oh , because they were all watching it , you know , oh they might ring them
10 She would n't go out in the car the other week so we like chained her to the wall we were .
11 I mean he was talking to Norman over the fence the other day and it sounds like gunfire
12 They 're doing another one but I think erm was talking to er Andy the other day because erm I 've been in manufacturing management meetings at
13 ‘ But after rowing about it for ages , I came home from work the other day and it was n't on .
14 I mean I spoke to Jane the other Sunday and I , I said to her you know , just be honest , I said I do n't care what you said , but just be honest and tell me how much you think I weigh , cos she does n't know how much I weigh and she thought I weighed about ten stone , I said well stick thirteen pounds on top of that , then you 'll be right , she could n't believe that I , that I weighed that much , so obviously it does n't look that bad and people at work , well they 've noticed that I 've lost weight , but they do n't say how much they think I weigh , so I do n't want come to them to sort of , have a , have a g have a guess of my weight .
15 I was discussing with a distinguished star in the pianistic firmament the other day as to whom he felt was the finest living pianist ; no hesitation — Sviatoslav Richter !
16 We had to entertain a very prim and proper Swiss lady the other day and she insisted on addressing me as Madame Professor Wotherspoon .
17 ‘ They had three players in the Switzerland team against Scotland the other night and they also have a Brazilian international , ’ said Walker .
18 Yes , he came into the hall the other day and he tipped out
19 He came in for a chat the other day and said , oh how you getting on ?
20 By the way , I had a dream the other night that we 'd bought Steve Bruce !
21 Mike had a dream the other night that she had a , a little boy , but er , the funny thing was it 'd only just been born but it could talk
22 Mind you , mind you I went er through Newark the other day and I had to go round the mountains to get back on that road out to Lincoln .
23 A NASTY SCENE the other night after I refuse to put my hand on The Bump .
24 down all these Coronation Street type houses , and erm one of her friends was on the telephone the other night and er this chap draws up in the car and she says I , I wo n't be a minute , and he comes straight out of his car , he said I 'll give you one minute he said , I 'll drive my car and come back down that ro up back to the telephone box and he said if you ai n't gone by then he said I 'll smash your fucking face in , that 's exactly what he said to her .
25 I mean really look I said to Fred the other day if you knew you were depressed .
26 She made ee she made a Heather a birthday cake the other day and I , I 've got say actually this cake was pretty good but like , she had to take it to school !
27 we bought a like some strawberry jam in in Superkey the other week and I had
28 I wa I was talking to erm Mr the other day and he was saying that when he started at the Co-op it was a , a very , very good place to work .
29 Okay I actually went to a Beaujolais Nouveau evening the other evening and someone offered me a glass I said , Do n't be so bloody insulting who do you think I am .
30 We can terminate it if , if , we can terminate it at the point the other contractor if it , if things really are bad this year .
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