Example sentences of "[noun] the [adj] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 He said in 90 Minutes the other week that his dream is to play for a big Italian club .
2 If Pine v. Collacott itself had originally been under challenge in your Lordships ' House on the ground that in an obligatory section 7(4) case the simple requirement that the driver provide a specimen of blood without reference to the possible alternative of urine was insufficient , I should have been inclined to reject that challenge .
3 Most of the problems that are arising are not just because of the Trusts but because of other things like for instance the contracting process that is proposed , the t the changing in the financing that is incorporated and of course the general under-funding which there is within the N H S. These are far more important problems in the long term .
4 In many ways it was the currency reform and the severance of trade with Germany the following year that had paved the way for the military coup in Poland that installed Marshal Piłsudski as head of government in May 1926 .
5 The new prosperity of ‘ industrious ’ Catalonia and ‘ opulent ’ Valencia threw into contrast the industrial decline that had left central Spain a backwater of artisan industry .
6 I learned from local hoteliers the staggering statistics that in less than a decade , the number of hotel rooms nearby had increased from 70 to 800 .
7 Erm if you wanted to get time to look at the chart to colour the planets the right colour that 's up to you .
8 There are some observers who think this to be admirable ; but there are others who believe that in such cases the basic obligations that should keep such enthusiasts at home have been obscured by pretension and sentimentality .
9 That bit will all be dark cos that bit will all be dark because it 's in the earth shadow but that little bit there that little bit the little bit that is n't in the in the earth 's shadow the appearance there will be a new moon .
10 Can I say that we ourselves have also been drafting a set of criteria , er taking on board the various points that were made on Friday morning .
11 The best eye-witness reports came from European officials living in the two important towns of Batavia and Buitenzorg , where there were even some useful scientific recording instruments — one of them at the Batavia town gasworks — and from the officers on board the various vessels that were on passage through the Straits at the time of the eruption .
12 ‘ When something 's wrong , abuse is not automatically on the checklist the same way that child abuse is ’ , said Jenkins .
13 There was of course the complicating factor that this time it was ‘ Mary ’ , not ‘ David ’ .
14 Well the reason why we were attracted to it was of course the very point that that they would translate the disks for nothing , we would n't have to type out the register , and they would also add the telephone numbers without us having to look them all up so that we could do telephone canvassing .
15 Secondly , a failure to perceive the pattern may also occur because we lack within our theoretical base the conceptual framework that would enable us to grasp the structure that is potentially available , given the observations that we have made already .
16 Maybe they had been for old times the old times that had never really existed .
17 Foster parents can often claim fostering allowances of 2–3 times the Supplementary Benefit that the natural parent would have received for looking after the same child … which is peculiarly ironic when one considers that some children might not be in foster-care at all if their parents had adequate incomes in the first place ( Fairbairns , 1976 ) .
18 The largest of these will be able to lift six to seven times the maximum load that the space shuttle can carry .
19 Nothing would have induced me to part now except an overwhelming sense that the course of action which has been pursued has put the country- and not merely the country , but throughout the world , the principles for which you and I have always stood throughout our political lives-in the greatest peril that has ever overtaken them .
20 And er I told Mum the other day that w in double science we 've still got to do one and a half topics .
21 ICL will release its new server products the very day that Pentium is released .
22 People who wish to consume a service know what resources it uses because they are faced with a price which just covers the additional resources that are needed to provide it .
23 I know you see which side my fence is buttered , and if I can bring to football the organisational skills that have made me such a big fish in retailing , then Athletico Whaddon need have no fear of ending up on the slab .
24 Pronto is erm an area of the store where we sell our occasional furniture and erm small priced coffee tables , hi-fi units the occasional furniture that may go erm whereas up until a couple of years ago we use to display this product around the showroom floor part of the new concept stores was that we actually set the same section in the showroom which is very much like a a shelving system whereby the stock actually sits on the shelves , the customer walks in and it 's an easy easy purchase straight off the trolley erm very much like the supermarket operation so it 's the lower priced good value occasional type furniture the cash and carry the kind of things that you do n't need sales assistants for the kind of bookcase that you would put in your children 's bedroom that kind of thing .
25 His words brought to her eyes the same look that is in an eagle 's eyes as she flies again above moorland of the Western Isles and watches , far below , her own shadow flighting across the wild moorland wastes of Callanish .
26 ‘ Good reading ’ of the Bible enlarges our capacity to receive more of its depth and riches , to see with other eyes the wondrous things that God reveals to those who ‘ have eyes to see , and ears to hear ’ .
27 ‘ You promise ? ’ mother said , a slight stitching of her brows as she sat back in the ladder-backed seat the only indication that she might not entirely believe me .
28 But you must think my displeasure the heaviest thing that can befall you .
29 He managed furthermore discreetly to put into circulation the audacious proposal that he should be the first Governor-General of the two independent states .
30 The value of the USRC was thus of an indirect kind ; by involving more than seventy MPs and peers in social research the Unionist belief that the party was a party of reform was re-established ; it began the trend towards research for political action that was to accelerate after the war ; and it affected much later policy by influencing those who were to make it .
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