Example sentences of "[noun] the [adj] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 At Eton the different houses and classrooms were spread over a large area , and in the next day or two I had somehow to find out where and when which masters were teaching me what subjects .
2 I was at the Madness gig at Finsbury Park the other week and Vince had me removed from the premises !
3 Carol Anne Lee has joined Belasis Hall Technology Park the joint ICI and English Estates initiative on Teesside , as marketing consultant .
4 Having established his basic historical schema , Shepherd goes on to his most original contribution , an analysis of how the two ‘ world-views ’ are ‘ encoded ’ in music , in each case the musical structures and the structures of society and of social consciousness forming ‘ homologies ’ .
5 The German hotelier pointed the club-face the wrong way and swung in the wrong direction .
6 In part this dramatic result reflected a widespread but not necessarily dependable willingness to give the Republic a chance , in part the temporary demoralization and organizational unpreparedness of the anti- and non-republican right , whose fifty or so deputies seriously under-represented its true strength and potential .
7 It needs to be appreciated that pupils with defective vision may respond inappropriately as a result of missing visual detail , for instance the facial expression and body gestures of others .
8 The advantage the nationalist rhetoric and the nation statehood confers is that it is always legitimate , liquidating the nationals of other nation states , particularly in contention over a piece of territory .
9 Julia Smith directs this Birmingham Rep ‘ astonishing production = grab this full star production while you can ’ The Guardian The eerie menace and absurd comedy of Kafka 's surreal saga of Gregor Samsa whose body unexpectedly turns into a large beetle — brilliantly played by Gary Selfton , with original music by Nigel Piper and suitably claustrophobic design by Helen Skillicorn .
10 By contrast the nursing officer and administrator were the managerial heads of large numbers of staff .
11 In contrast the physical environment and equipment specifications have received considerable attention .
12 I collected my clothing parcel the next morning and there were the razor blades and the tooth paste just as I had expected .
13 There had been a storm the previous day and she could still see white horses in the bay from where she was sitting by a south-facing window .
14 to build on their own interest and commitment to erm deliver improved pupil attainments at sixteen and , and at eighteen , nineteen , in response the national education and training targets is an area which should not be forgotten .
15 For much of the year they appear barren ; with summer moisture the dried-out cushions and patches of vegetation burst into life , yielding arctic poppies , avens , moss campions , saxifrages — flowers familiar from the arctic desert , here abundant enough to provide a scattering of colourful , threadbare mats .
16 At this level the educational institution and the employer undertake something that neither could or would undertake on their own and which enhances the viability of each partner in their own normal sphere of activity and in their shared and mutual environment , community or market place .
17 This examination will test at a higher level the linguistic skills and business knowledge tested at the Second Level .
18 In past operational plans the Eastern Health and Social Services Board had stressed that efficiency and flexibility would need to be introduced .
19 In both cases the greater stability and permanency of the labour force encouraged farmers to build more tied cottages in order to ensure a supply of labour — and the significance of tied cottages was further increased by estates being broken up and sold to sitting tenants , a change which also brought about a decline in the number of closed villages .
20 In many cases the traditional healers and midwives are already part of the primary health care structure of the village or community and have received additional training so that the most positive aspects of traditional and non-traditional medicine can be combined in ways that are acceptable to the community .
21 See if they yeah , they have n't got any video cases , they had some video cases the other day and I forgot to get some
22 In most cases the hereditary wardens and foresters of fee , or their heirs , were able within a few years to recover their bailiwicks by payment of substantial fines to the Crown .
23 In both cases the intronic ORFs and their introns seem to be intimately linked and appear to be propagated together .
24 The hominine character state could either be gorilla-like lengthening of the premaxilla , which is not present in Dryopithecus but is in Graecopithecus , or it could be unlengthened as in Dryopithecus , but in both cases the elongated premaxilla and narrow incisive canal in Graecopithecus could constitute a hominine synapomorphy .
25 Basically , the shape of the bow is created from leaves , and in most cases the smaller leaves and component parts are easier to manipulate into these less natural designs .
26 At Cosmeston the manorial garden and dovecot have been found in the field south-west of the manor house : they can be seen clearly on aerial photographs .
27 For all these reasons the additional time and effort involved in achieving the improved results , compared with the first exercise , will be significant .
28 Clarence the cross-eyed lion and a weekend in a lift shaft with a sex-starved gorilla ? ’
29 He had noticed that the Roberts Building Company got a large share of municipal contracts the following year and had had words with Jacko .
30 Given the current technical framework and the likely developments in the future , how can British broadcasting be financed in such a way as to brine the greatest enjoyment and pleasure to as many viewers and listeners as possible while at the same time fulfilling the public service obligation ?
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