Example sentences of "[noun] he had [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All he knew was that compared with the trollop he had been with the day before , she was like a princess , a very untouchable snow princess seven years older than he , who had recently lost her husband .
2 He told me that during the nine months he had been at the farm he and the others had noticed that the landscape had changed .
3 There was something decidedly odd about the engineering master ; his manner was always friendly , but , in the six months he had been at the school , Robert had not exchanged more than a few words with the man .
4 Whilst in Russia he had been in contact with representatives of the Russian Bible Society , and through them had learned of the monitorial system of schoolteaching pioneered by Lancaster and Bell in Britain .
5 Over the few weeks he had been in Mandru 's house , Lucien had acknowledged Jeopardy 's beauty and talent , but had also despised him .
6 For three years he had been with Jesus and heard his teaching — that he was bound to suffer , to die and to be raised from the dead .
7 He felt himself warm toward the sullenly controlled man as he never had in the three years he had been on the paper .
8 When the meter man came for the last time he spoke of my aunt , and of the many years he had been to the house , so that he felt himself to be almost an old friend .
9 Chief Superintendent McLean says that last summer the resources he allocated to the protection of the Ks were greater than those given to anything , other than really serious crimes such as murder , in the two years he had been in charge of Hounslow division .
10 For the last two years he had been in practice in Northampton , and he did not at that stage wish to endanger his prospects there by letting his application to Bedford be generally known ; if Whitbread gave his support however , Thackeray would ‘ make his pretensions public ’ .
11 David , for example , had this to say about the three years he had been in the group :
12 The majority of the day he had been at Ascot Races .
13 It transpired that the previous day he had been in Liverpool and given an interview to the Daily Telegraph which had been interpreted to mean that we were about to call in the troops .
14 By mid-morning he had been through the day 's edition of the Herald Tribune .
15 Just before this meeting MacArthur told Gascoigne he had been in contact with Senator Robert A. Taft and , in a five-page letter , had urged on Taft the importance of concluding a peace treaty speedily .
16 All morning he had been in a strange , erratic mood and as the car began to bump its way off down the track Tug felt a great lightening of his spirits .
17 He was sixty-four now , but as a young man he had been in the army and seen action on the North-West Frontier .
18 He could not afford to make mistakes ; all his life he had been at pains to learn and understand how ordinary people live and had delved into the seamier side of human nature , but he was still very unworldly .
19 He knew that she had not enjoyed his homecoming or the renewal of a sexual life ; throughout their married life he had been at home for only a few weeks at a time , and she had been free to make her life as she chose .
20 In earlier life he had been in Canada and it is certain that at least some youthful potential emigrants to Canada were inspired by his accounts of life there .
21 Even one of the ‘ enemy ’ admired the ‘ valour and stoutness ’ of the Cornishmen and ‘ … never in all the wars he had been in did he know the like ’ .
22 One instant he had been in mid-spring , forelegs extended and jaws agape , aiming himself at the crouching man-thing before them , the next , the target had moved with blurring speed , rising swiftly to meet him head-on .
23 Father Donnelly was also there , looking plumper these days , but still the same cheerful personality he had been in Brooklyn .
24 Mr Prescott told the court that on the fateful evening Boxing Day last year he had been in the pub with Mr Maltby and another friend .
25 Since joining the BDDA he had been to every one of its Congresses and his inclusion as third member of this select trio was extremely popular .
26 The ones he had were in Arabic , French and English .
27 By the time he had been through that and was ready to return , Jennifer had been married and divorced and was almost a stranger again .
28 He was more frightened than he had been in all the time he had been with them , and he could tell that the girl was frightened too , by her quick , shallow breathing .
29 Only several weeks later , as she lay stifling in her cabin on a filthy steamer from Trebizond , did she reflect that the Kurd , in the whole time he had been with them , had executed Miss Fergusson 's commands with punctiliousness and honour ; further , that she had no means of knowing what had passed between the two of them that last night in the cave .
30 As Elijah Moshinsky looked out from the roof-top coffee shop of the plush hotel overlooking Plymouth Hoe — in which he is ensconced during rehearsals of Shadowlands — he confessed that this was the first time he had been to Plymouth in his life .
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