Example sentences of "[noun] with all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who has heard it will declare that this is but of a piece with all the rest ! ’
2 From now on ‘ Laura Ashley ’ was always considered good material for hungry fashion editors eager to spot a wayward trend and Moira cultivated close relationships with all the fashion editors of the day .
3 There were the usual minor excitements : a murder in the churchyard , a few muggings in the back-streets and alleys , and the election of a new Mayor with all the bribery and corruption which accompanied such an event .
4 We gathered round the boat with all the sense of adventure of Drake rounding the Horn .
5 Unfortunately , the clean/crunch and OD1/OD2 switching has to be done manually , and if this could be achieved via a footswitch it would in effect make this a four-channel combo with all the versatility which that implies .
6 You 'll be nervous so you fill the gap with all the shit they really want to hear . ’
7 Summerchild is , I think , shepherding his chairman slowly towards where he would be safest — inside the Government Commission building , sharing the Cabinet Office canteen with all the rest of them , under Francis Tite 's eye .
8 We put them in or in the holiday tin with all the change .
9 I had read Eothen and other tales of Eastern travel and my imagination endowed Constantinople with all the magic of the East .
10 Your brain will process , collate and evaluate that information before ordering you into action with all the force , speed and power that you have .
11 In some of these shops I observed one or more females , stript of their upper garment , and not overcharged with the latter , wielding the hammer with all the grace of the sex … struck with this novelty , I enquired , " whether the ladies of this locality shod horses ? " but was answered , with a smile , " they are nailers " .
12 In some of these shops I observed one , or more females , stript of their upper garment , and not overcharged with their lower , wielding the hammer with all the grace of the sex …
13 And you can even buy imitations of handmade bricks with all the individuality of texture that makes them so attractive to use , but they are pricy .
14 Perhaps hindered by the unflattering acoustic of the concert hall , the result was all too often lost in a welter of sound and over-stressed consonants with all the control of a recalcitrant Sunday school outing .
15 She was known to regularly have to cook Sunday lunch with all the village youths lounging around her kitchen — times do not change .
16 He no longer made conventional bread with all the kneading and rising stages , but soda bread , which is a simpler and much quicker process .
17 ( 8 ) Hoorays love Indian food and on non-party nights ( Mondays ) , you will find them in groups of eight or ten , stuffing down chicken dopiaza and naan bread with all the vengeance of people who have n't eaten properly for days .
18 3 The tightly clenched fist with all the air squeezed out of it : open and close each hand at least 10 times at the start of any training session to exercise the finger joints and muscles .
19 Spence began at the tenth , going out in 34 , and played the inward half with all the precision required in the swirling wind .
20 In keeping with all the material of the Gospel , the miracle accounts have gone through two separate periods of development .
21 But then there was also the ingenue , a young girl with all the sparkle of a Guy Fawkes night fireworks display , who appeared in one scene in a straw boater and what looked very like a parson 's dog collar and had everyone in the audience drooling — just as they had on Broadway where in New Faces she had had her break a few months before .
22 Like Miss Honey , she felt sure both ears were going to come off at any moment with all the weight that was on them .
23 The tennis racquet bounced off her tender bum with all the zing of a good forehand drive .
24 The aggradation in the lower reaches of these rivers results in a landform with all the appearance of a true floodplain , a broad tract of easily flooded land over which the river flows in sweeping meanders , or did so until their courses were artificially contained in the interests of navigation and flood control .
25 Employees ' attitudes er were fairly stable , fairly stable and some of the work that was done was so highly skilled er that it needed a craftsman 's experience to be able to get to that stage of being able to turn a job you know , to very fine limits , or to grind an objective to absolutely no limits , or to , to assemble a job with all the skill and the know-how that had been built up over his twenty five or thirty years ' experience you know , along with his colleagues .
26 fund , er and we say that er , er we hope your Lordship will be with us on the main issues , but if your not , we say there are very powerful reasons of English and community law including er the obligation on the court under article five , to ensure that the , er the , the trials some two years hence lasting some five weeks with all the expert evidence , my learned friend says will be necessary , should not in the interim have the effect of er frustrating er the operation of er apparently valid provisions in the United Kingdom statutes and the Lloyds Acts and byelaws , which er , are themselves measures that have been adopted so as to pursue the policy
27 The final was between Harrison and Tom with all the sympathy on the local man .
28 You are the only woman I know — apart from Lucy — who wears skirts and dresses and make-up and turns me on more powerful than a monsoon with all the steam and heat …
29 The rain stung the pavement with all the fury of the arrows at Agincourt .
30 Isabel elevated her small nose with all the hauteur of a young lady who had attained the lofty age of thirteen , and had therefore ceased climbing walls and brandishing wooden swords herself .
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