Example sentences of "[noun] that it [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Which came mercifully swiftly , in the shape of another devastatingly accurate straight left , and then a perfect right uppercut which hardly seemed to travel more than a foot , but which was delivered with such a force that it lifted Mike up on to his toes , before toppling him backwards in a heap at his elder brothers ' feet .
2 It connected with such force that it cut Mr Major 's right cheek , splattered his glasses and dribbled down his dark blue suit .
3 If , however , I omit to do something with the result that it suffers injury to health which results in death , we think that a charge of manslaughter should not be an inevitable consequence , even if the omission is deliberate .
4 No pay was given for Bank Holidays , with the result that it took weeks to recover from the loss of income .
5 which the House of Lords would have exercised if it had been asked to do so but had not in fact been so asked , Berry ( No. 2 ) would have been a very easy case for the Court of Appeal to deal with , but there is no indication that it found Berry ( No. 2 ) to be so simple .
6 In the event of circumstances arising under 1 or 2 above which require the Insurers to notify the Society of the reduction or cancellation of cover the Insurers shall during the period from such reduction or cancellation until ten days after notification of the Society indemnify the Society against losses to the same extent as if cover had not been reduced or cancelled and if the Society shall within seven days of notification by the Insurers inform the Insurers that it wishes cover to continue on the same terms as if it had not been reduced or cancelled the Insurers shall indemnify the Society against losses on such terms for such period not exceeding six months as the Society shall specify and the Society shall be responsible for the payment of premium for such cover .
7 A driver used to more power and rubber might expect to find himself in trouble if he attempted to maintain his normal pace with the cheapest Fiesta , but such is the confident poise of the car that it offers handling and grip of a far higher order than the tuned-for-economy engine can justify .
8 On Jan. 28 Uri Lubrani , Israel 's co-ordinator of government activities in Lebanon , said in an interview with Middle East Television that Israel did not object to the Lebanese government deploying its army in southern Lebanon on condition that it took action against terrorist organizations and did not support them .
9 Mountain View , California-based Drexler Technology Corp says it has informed Sony Corp that it believes Sony infringed its patents with a a new eight-track Dynamic Digital Sound system to be introduced this summer in Columbia Picture 's ‘ Last Action Hero ’ movie : Drexler has two patents on the reading of high density optical data in a strip format and believes the two patents may be infringed each time digital sound from the movie track is played back using the Sony system .
10 Remove a fox from its territory and another will soon take its place — so where is fox-hunting 's defence that it controls foxes ?
11 But it was the unanimous view of the board that it manifested contempt towards the divinity of Christ by presenting him as a living man , not a symbol , and as the object of overt sexual passion .
12 The nature of excuses in crime and of equity in contract is , however , so particularistic and so dependent upon the facts of the case that it strains credulity to imagine someone seeking in advance to bring his case under such categories .
13 While Kittay 's theory has the advantage that it allows metaphor to be seen as operating according to the same basic principles regardless of the size of the discursive unit in question , Brooke-Rose 's own examination of the mechanisms of the verb metaphor suggest a view that minimizes dependence on an implicit ‘ proper ’ term outside the text and emphasizes the metaphoric interactions between the terms themselves .
14 It we further remark the way sexual difference is oft en presented within psychoanalysis as unavoidable and ineluctably fraught with pain , so much so in some cases that it warrants description as a tragic ontology , it becomes tempting to dismiss it as an expression of existential Angst suitably dressed in pretentious intellectual rigour and elegant abstraction , and , as such ( some might add ) , the epitome of psychoanalysis itself .
15 As well as the points mentioned there are the usual claims for Latin that it improves competence in English , facilitates the learning of other languages and so on .
16 The Government previously assured both Brussels and local authorities that it used EC grant to provide additional resources for qualifying programmes .
17 It is a little like the adage that it takes money to make money .
18 Even Sidney and Beatrice Webb , in their classic history of trade unionism , said of the Act that it gave trade unions ‘ an extra-ordinary and unlimited immunity , however great may be the damage caused , and however unwarranted the act , which most lawyers as well as all employers , regard as nothing less than monstrous ’ .
19 The internalized dialogue that it brings acts on the mind so as to generate a continuing cycle of reflection and intellectual advance .
20 RE can be judged effective to the degree that it helps pupils develop : 1 .
21 The contrast at the Congress between a vulgar and a relatively sophisticated aesthetic as exemplified in the difference of emphasis between Zhdanov and Bukharin is interesting to the degree that it has reverberations in the work of Nizan .
22 Locke is anxious to defend his political philosophy against the accusation that it encourages rebellion .
23 The problem of mental disorder is a considerable one , both numerically and in the range of needs that it gives rise to .
24 An inositol depletion hypothesis attempts to explain this effect of Li + on the basis that it inhibits inositol phosphate metabolism , so preventing the regeneration of free inositol .
25 The hirer sued the owner of the excavator as vicariously liable for the driver 's negligence , and the owner set up clause 8 of the contract as a defence , on the basis that it transferred liability for the driver 's actions to the hirer .
26 It may not be an accident that it has echoes of Knossos .
27 But Marochnik 's extrapolation from that work has such broad implications that it deserves investigation .
28 No government is likely to say at this juncture that it regards cars as an environmental menace and intends to reduce their numbers by so many per cent a year .
29 It is really one of the foundations of any executive power group that it maintains secrecy about its activities and avoids the possibility for its antagonists to subsume that power .
30 Christians claim that what happened on Good Friday was decisive for humankind — it was of such a definitive , absolute nature that it split world history in two and it declares that the many strands of human experience ( hope , joy , peace , human fulfilment ) run through the crossroads of the cross .
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