Example sentences of "[noun] that [adj] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 If the politicians were to take the drastic action that many voices are calling for , much of our motorised transport would not even get out of the garage .
2 He had given up years ago the delusion that all men were homosexual at heart , and that it was just a question of finding the key to unlock their repressed desires .
3 Byzantine architecture indeed continued to expand and change in lands in Eastern Europe during the same centuries that Medieval architecture was spreading across western countries .
4 In the procedures of arresting and charging individuals and in their treatment in court , there are clear differences across the middle/working-class divide ; and these serve to reinforce the public 's ( and the police 's ) perception that certain groups are inclined to criminality .
5 Nevertheless , an awareness that Japan was acutely vulnerable to threats of superior force , a resentment that Japan was considered inferior because she did not conform to Western standards and models , and a perception that other nations were prepared to act ‘ unfairly ’ to maximize the advantages that could be gained from any particular situation , made Japan determined to achieve equal status with the so-called Great Powers , or indeed , to surpass them .
6 This conclusion was based upon the general perception that pre-1939 aviation was overly competitive and unregulated , and subject to vicious throat-cutting in the national interest .
7 It could indeed be argued with some force that international morality was tending to improve slightly during this period .
8 ‘ We believed the rumour on Tuesday that British Aerospace was building up a big shareholding but we are not so sure now , ’ a spokesman said .
9 It is through other black kids that some aspirations are fostered and others snuffed out by stories of racialism .
10 Fujimori and Fisheries Minister Felix Canal had appeared on television and in public eating ceviche , the national dish of uncooked fish and seafood marinated in lime , despite claims by the Health Ministry and international medical organizations that raw fish was a major source of infection .
11 It was said in Wickrithe that all Demdykes were crazy , but Aunt Sarah disproved that .
12 June Huntington 's allegation that these practitioners are businesslike rather than professional questions the selection procedure of the committee .
13 In the New Testament this is supplemented by the command that all Christians are to love their neighbours as themselves — an act of personal charity to those with whom we have contact .
14 It is , therefore , a phase of male sexuality which is purportedly being portrayed with the result that female readers are frequently belittled and diminished as they read about girls who are at one and the same time both the object of male disgust and the arousers of male sexual interest .
15 Many tournament organisers miscalculate entry levels with the result that adjacent areas are crowded together and the competitors ' safety is imperilled .
16 With regard to the secondary school curriculum , the Yellow Paper maintained that too much scope had been given to the principle of pupil choice , with the result that many pupils were following unbalanced programmes and not enough pupils were studying science-based and technological subjects .
17 In the neotropical Lecythidaceae for example all species have large circumscissile capsules , but such uniformity disguises a wide range of variation in the texture of the mesocarp , degree of dehiscence , and development of the aril into a fleshy or winged structure , with the result that different species are dispersed by birds , bats , monkeys , rodents , wind , water and possibly fish .
18 However , within 24 hours Congress approved and Bush signed legislation ordering an end to the strike , with the result that most railworkers were back at work on the morning of April 18 .
19 Here the link with evidence may be tenuous , with the result that national myths are bolstered and well-known but inappropriate events from our past cited in support of current policy .
20 With time , normal proliferation is restored in the progress zone with the result that proximal structures are absent and distal structures are quite normal .
21 Negative payoffs , or punishments , can also be given without the manager realizing , with the result that desirable behaviour is discouraged .
22 Nevertheless , the drop in enrolments for traditional advanced courses does not correspond exactly with the increased interest in the new style courses , with the overall result that more candidates are currently involved in advanced courses than in previous sessions .
23 Even if you listen out carefully before you transmit , you have no guarantee that another pilot is not going to press his or her PTT at exactly the same moment as you do , with the probable result that both messages are drowned out and the Air Traffic Controller 's ears are assaulted by a high-pitched screech .
24 1979 Conservative Government got into its stride that this tenet was raised from aspirational status to a specific directive that InterCity must operate as a self-financing business .
25 Their arrest followed press reports of allegations by unidentified members of the opposition that private armies were being assembled by people close to the government , including the former Minister of Energy and IndustryKiprono Nicholas K. Biwott [ for whose dismissal from office see p. 38563 ] .
26 the Guardian of March 1 reported that at a meeting between the government and members of the opposition in Jeddah , Saudi Arabia , angry debate had erupted over demands by the opposition that martial law be declared not by the government in exile , but by an emergency national unity government reflecting various political views .
27 There is evidence at many points around the continent that more rock is exposed today than in the immediately recent past , and that there were several retreats during the present interglacial ( Péwé , 1960 ) , though not on the scale of the northern retreat .
28 Mrs Milnes was clear in her own mind that parental authority was being usurped :
29 It should be borne in mind that many vendors are used to paying their accountants an audit fee of only £5-10,000 per annum .
30 always keep a special look out for cyclists particularly when overtaking or turning , bearing in mind that two wheels are much less easy to see than large vehicles .
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