Example sentences of "[noun] i know [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hunter ended his description with a comment on Maria and a hint as to his charges to Martin Van Butchell : ‘ This body … yet promises exceedingly well , nor do I see any great improvement to be made ; a number of experiments must be made before I embalm any other body , such as finding the exact proportion of moisture Paris Plaister will take up etc. but at present I know of no other Process at all useful and considering the trouble you must have during all these Processes now laid down , you ought not to undertake it under 100 Guineas . ’
2 ‘ That is why I can say the only fear I know inside the ring is the fear of losing .
3 He 's been shooting off his mouth about me and I will close it for him ’ Lennox Lewis DONALD MACLEOD Lennox Lewis : ‘ The only fear I know inside the ring is the fear of losing .
4 The only trouble is , the only other place I know with a photocopier it 's one of these typical photocopying as we know , you know .
5 We ca n't go on paying ourselves that sort of money , we ca n't go on , and Mr I know in a minute we 'll talk about the number of people who attend committee meetings erm and sit in on them , and that 's increased considerably , erm , so I think it 's important that we do get down to this problem , we grasp the nettle , and I , I believe that will mean that we start to look seriously at reducing the number of times members come and talk here , and perhaps we let the officers get on with the action that they should be getting on with
6 As one young manager put it : ‘ The only things I know about the army are what I have seen on television ! ’
7 Frankenstein I know from the videoshockers , but who are the others ? ’
8 One swim I know on the Hampshire Avon near Ringwood can only be fished on a quiet day , when few other anglers are around .
9 ‘ We 'll go out for a meal , to a quiet exclusive mirador I know with the most spectacular views across to Cabo de Formentor and then we 'll talk , really talk . ’
10 On a clear dawn or a copper sunset I know of no other mountain which has quite such dramatic appeal .
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