Example sentences of "[noun] i [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 It 's , it 's the skating I got with the boots
2 And the hours I spent with the airbrush … ah , five hundred roubles was chicken feed for the work I put in . ’
3 Of course I agree with the hon. Gentleman about the level of violence during the past two or three months .
4 On the same afternoon I met with the rail unions and ( loyally supported by Peter Parker ) put the position to them .
5 Chapter I deals with the contents of Letters of Request , the establishment of Central Authorities , and related matters .
6 And I 'll write about the strange talk I had with the Nielsen woman .
7 For five months I slept with the baby , it was so cold .
8 ‘ I trust you 'll have no objections if I use whatever influence I have with the airlines to get you the first available seat ? ’
9 Of the variety of amps I used with the Teardrop , the one which felt most compatible was , guess what , a Vox AC30 .
10 As a boy I helped with the hay-making and cleaned out the cow-sheds .
11 The lack of space , the cold , the absence of hot water — all these contingencies I negotiated with the skills I had acquired in domestic science ( my best subject ) and as a Girl Guide .
12 For a moment I toyed with the idea of getting back to the ship , lifting off and going a comfortingly long way away .
13 Well this is the one with the business I had with the library .
14 A suitably pedagogic figure called Skuul puts the case for cause and effect which is speedily reduced to relativism by an opposing voice : ‘ You pursue essentials I ride with the random …
15 What with all those steaks I get with the money they give me here ! ’
16 Well they 's a allocated me as a grocer you see and the fruiterer I dealt with the , the wholesaler , the I dealt most of with in was He said to me , you 're not getting enough for what you are , he said to me .
17 On the contrary , the differences between us seemed to strengthen the bond I had with the boy : when we grew up , we were going to get married and have babies .
18 In order to start at the logical beginning I went with the default selection , Title .
19 ‘ I did not want to lower my standards and lose the special relationship I had with the fans .
20 So when I knew I had cancer and was facing death , I still could n't pray to the God I associated with the churches .
21 In many ways I sympathize with the general tenor of this complaint , as may quickly become apparent .
22 but that 's what 's the , that 's the trouble I think with the council today .
23 And in that respect I agree with the sentiments that have been er given by Mr .
24 Well the , the risk has changed for a start I mean with the chemicals there are so many now erm chemicals and so much of it being transported by road , the risk of that and the dangers of accidents must be increased , although legislation has brought in a number of improvements , so firemen have to be very much up to date with that .
25 In using this phrase I identify with the popular definition offered by Dr Peter Wagner of the School of World Mission , Fuller Seminary .
26 I also include the love affair I have with the public each and every night .
27 ‘ We 'll go out for a meal , to a quiet exclusive mirador I know with the most spectacular views across to Cabo de Formentor and then we 'll talk , really talk . ’
28 ‘ Whatever differences I have with the management have been buried .
29 But if you compare the results I obtained with the two examples shown , you 'll understand my confusion .
30 The line I took with the manager was that , as a composer of music for films , I really needed to see equal commitment all along the picture beam to the public .
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