Example sentences of "[noun] i [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I knew before I started out that , weatherwise , the end of March is not the time to plan a journey to the Islands and my misgiving proved to be well founded as on Tuesday 23 March I found myself in the lounge at Dalcross Airport , Inverness watching gale force winds sweep snow across the runways .
2 As a music lover I found myself in search of the ultimate sound — and I do n't mean loud boomy bass .
3 When I got back to base , instead of being welcomed as the returning hero I thought myself to be , I was asked what had taken me so long .
4 At that moment I glimpsed myself in a shop window and was pleased with what I saw .
5 It was definitely time to say farewell and stepping down from the canal at that point I found myself on the very street of my son 's house .
6 But it lives on in the poems we wrote together , and in the poems I wrote myself in Salamanca and Bath .
7 For three years I consoled myself with the fact that one minute he was laughing and joking the next it was over . ’
8 For the next few years I threw myself into a whirlwind of activities — involving myself in a Women 's Aid refuge , women 's centres , campaigns , demonstrations and conferences .
9 In the intervening years I allowed myself to be gradually undermined and finally succeeded in losing most outward traces of my cultural identity .
10 He told them , ‘ Everyone had a codename in those days and , because of my admiration for the Irish struggle for Independence , I chose ‘ Michael ’ , a name I called myself after Michael Collins . ’
11 By day I throw myself into my work .
12 On the appointed day I presented myself at the villa .
13 One day I uncovered myself in front of him , stroked my body , my breasts , my ass .
14 At the top I found myself in a wide gallery looking down onto the floor below .
15 On the Scottish cruise I distinguished myself by bending our port propeller on a rock in the Caledonian Canal whilst negotiating a shallow bend , and although we could still use the bent prop I was very conscious of the faux pas with our Chairman on board .
16 Then , it was elbow-dodging for the first few hundred yards , but after a mile I found myself in front .
17 It heals us of depression and sadness , as if they were intrinsic to the kind of person I believe myself to be .
18 Alter that night I threw myself into the struggle on Mrs Rumney 's behalf .
19 Paraded in my immaculate " dhobied " drill I presented myself to my commanding officer who glared at me , and dismissed me with these words : " I am astonished that you have the gall , Mahaddie , to apply for a pilot 's course … if anyone is foolish enough to ever recommend you , you would only kill yourself , and probably others , Good day ! "
20 For example I found myself in a warehouse in Manhattan , where the New York Public Library keeps a lot of its records , and I discovered an enormous deposit of papers of , of an organisation which was actually very strongly against the minimum wage , which appeared not to have been touched for about the last — sixty years ?
21 And yet , alighting in the sunshine from the trembling train I found myself in a space transfigured by the three stages of the passage through the underworld that is matinee cinema : the transition from day to night ; the day for night of the viewing ; the transition back to daylight .
22 In the course of the paper I addressed myself to the question : ‘ Why is it that people unhesitatingly talk of feeling hot as well as of feeling the heat of things ? ’
23 As she hauled me up the stairs I braced myself for ‘ What the blazes , Bina ?
24 As a fellow Chairman of these Tribunals I find myself in general agreement with him , although is until some way is found to eliminate obviously frivolous appeals from the Local Appeal Tribunal 's decisions I doubt the practicality of having appeals to a Tribunal of Commissioners and blanch at the thought of their Lordships of the Court of Session 's comments if asked to deal with some of the material placed before a single Commissioner at present .
25 Dostoevsky has an impudent way of making his narrator declare ‘ As a chronicler I confine myself to presenting events exactly as they happened , and it 's not my fault if they appear incredible ’ — like the son of the house writing home about his time on the North-West Frontier of India .
26 It was the social security man , and recognizing his voice I braced myself for what he might say .
27 I am writing these lines on the last day of 1986 , the deadline I set myself for reaching the Great Glen with my pen .
28 ( For some reason I found myself in Charlbury last week — about 15 miles from where I thought I was , and ought to have been ! )
29 ‘ If there 's one thing I pride myself upon it 's my disgust of prying women .
30 The best book I read myself in 1991 was ‘ Biography of James Hudson Taylor ’ ( OMF ) by Howard and Geraldine Taylor , which showed that even one of the giants of missionary history had his own personal struggles , but also that the Lord brought him through .
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