Example sentences of "[noun] for the child [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Emergency admissions to residential care were unplanned with no chance of preparation for the child or of pre-placement visits by the child and his or her family .
2 It may not appoint a legal guardian for the child or consent to an adoption order or an order freeing the child for adoption or providing for his adoption abroad ( s33(6) ( b ) ) .
3 You could feel sympathy for the child that you were , but you would not actually experience that pain today .
4 ’ And all the activities for the children that one can attend — sports days , Christmas parties , the Mod — you can get involved in them along with the children .
5 The applicant must specify the order sought , summarise the evidence in support and state the future plans for the child if a final order is made including arrangements for contact .
6 Plus glasses of bubbly for toasting the newlyweds — the real , fizzingly alcoholic stuff for those who like it , and elderflower champagne for the children and incurable romantics like me .
7 If a person seeking party status has parental responsibility for the child but has not been named as a respondent , the court must grant his request .
8 The person named in the order will have parental responsibility for the child while the order is in force .
9 " Family " in this context includes any person who has parental responsibility for the child or with whom he is living ( s17(10) ) .
10 In this context " the responsible person " means any person who has parental responsibility for the child and any other person with whom the child is living .
11 Instead , it promotes a new philosophy — that both parents have parental responsibility for the children and not just , as was often the case under the old law , the parent with whom the children were living .
12 Playgroups and mother and toddler groups offer safe and stimulating play opportunities for the children and friendship for mother and child .
13 With the new proposals it seems the needs of the children will be put first because you wo n't be granted a divorce until a period of a year has elapsed and during that period you 'll have to work out access and maintenance for the children and put their needs first and that seems very good .
14 The court must consider appointing as guardian anyone who has previously acted in this capacity for the child but is not obliged to re-appoint .
15 A range of services is being provided from local Family Support Centres which will offer short term care for children on a basis of clear , early decision making , with the close involvement of natural parents and based on an assumption that residential and field workers will be working closely together in planning and providing help for the children and their families .
16 No wonder there was no inheritance for the children and they must scrape themselves with newspaper and redden their pampered fingers in icy water now that the goose who laid the golden eggs was dead .
17 The Mass will be followed by a reception in the hall for the children and their parents .
18 Two days later she returned to their home in Silton Road , Huyton , to collect fresh clothing for the children and Redmond was already there .
19 The local authority must consider whether : ( i ) to apply for a care order or a supervision order ; ( ii ) to provide services or assistance for the child or his family ; or ( iii ) to take any other action with respect to the child ( s37(2) ) .
20 The ultimate aim should be to reduce any unnecessary anxiety for the child and the parents . ’
21 Birth itself is a physical and emotional crisis for the child and long-lasting emotional effects from a difficult or ill-organised birth have been postulated .
22 But unless you spent a lot on flowers and balls for the children and on Mary 's birthday present , considering that you had our 15/ and some 5/ or more yes more of your own a month ago , on which no calls but fares need have been made , to which was added about 30/ ( or more ? ) lately , and from it all not 30/ was spent on the dress , you should have a sovereign left : add to this the wages of this month to come , and there should remain , after 35/ to the spectacle man , fully a sovereign , which , considering our needs for the future & also your promises , nay , certainties , at which I laughed , should go to the bank .
23 If , for example , the local authority is unable to find a suitable placement for the child because of a shortage of foster parents the court may decide that a care order is not to the child 's benefit despite the shortcomings of his own parents .
24 It was a small house , only a cottage , but there was an attic room for the children and a good school not too far away .
25 He said the area had ‘ an extremely unfair image because the majority of people on this estate want the best housing facilities and the best education for the children and that is certainly my view in the year and a half that I 've been at the school ’ .
26 The Guidance says that where they intend " to limit the way in which a parent meets his responsibility this should be discussed with the parent and incorporated in the plan of arrangements for the child whilst in care so that it may be subject to periodic review " ( para 3.68 ) .
27 ‘ They live separate lives and come together when necessary , for example for the children or for public engagements . ’
28 In general , the women in the study had spent their wages on food , items for the children or had saved some money while their husband 's wages were spent on larger bills .
29 Somehow she doubted that preparing meals for the child and the husband featured very high on the agenda .
30 The atmosphere , whether it be one of confidence , inhibition or embarrassment , will contain a vital message for the child and leave its legacy in adult life .
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