Example sentences of "[noun] for the government [conj] " in BNC.

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1 After advising counsel for the government that Washington could not keep on withholding relevant evidence , Chief Judge Platt ordered the government to produce all documents relating to how and where the bomb was placed on Flight 103 for inspection in camera by 1 October 1990 .
2 Staff understand the reasons for the Government and Commercial split but not the isolation of Services , in general giving rise to ‘ Cynicism and demotivation and reducing productivity . ’
3 While Uvarov 's periodization is obviously too clear cut , it is nevertheless true that Speranskii 's reform of the territory 's administration — including the operation of the exile system and the regularization of relations with the Siberian natives — created , in theory , if not always in practice , a more rational and equitable framework for the government and management of the Siberian lands which remained more or less in situ until the upheavals of 1917 .
4 A Press Trust of India ( PTI ) report on Feb. 21 claimed that Congress ( I ) had threatened to withdraw its support for the government unless the five ministers were removed .
5 The majority of the newspapers had become woefully compromised in their support for the government and good investigative journalism was one of the casualties .
6 However , Civic Union withdrew support for the government when acting Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar , presenting " a programme of urgent measures to lead the Russian economy out of crisis " to a joint sitting of the Supreme Soviet on Nov. 26 , ruled out compromise on four key points demanded by Civic Union : ( i ) return to the state distribution system ; ( ii ) large increases in the money supply ; ( iii ) freezing wages and prices ; and ( iv ) fixing an exchange rate below that of the market .
7 It will raise fresh worries for the Government that the much hoped-for consumer spending upturn remains beyond the horizon .
8 Mr Clarke also had harsh words for the Government and the Scottish National Party .
9 ‘ It does n't seem to occur to anyone that all these people going on about UFOs and the general hilarity they cause would be quite a good disguise for the government if it did want to cover up weapons testing . ’
10 ‘ I did the job for the Government and for Britain and I was left with a lot of disbenefits including holes in the fields and a concrete standing area for lorries which I do n't want , ’ he said .
11 Business leaders believe that the new £8.5 billion national business rate will create political and inflationary problems for the Government when it is introduced next April .
12 But there was some comfort in the figures for the Government and for an already hard-pressed pound , which could have faced another battering if the deficit had been worse than the expected £1.5billion .
13 Founded in 1980 , the ILD , as it is known by its Spanish acronyms , has proposed better ways for the government and the informals to iron out their problems .
14 Hence , Scotch is an important earner for the government but the trends in the domestic market , and particularly in the demand for Scotch , reflect the need for a fundamental review of taxation policy .
15 What I said to UKIAS — I have had two meetings with the organisation and written to it — is that the availability of green form aid is finally a matter for the Government and Parliament , not for UKIAS .
16 It is essentially a matter for the Government and I believe that they will be able to demonstrate that the Town and Country Planning ( Assessment of Environmental Effects )
17 The case became a hot potato for the government when Mr Yang was offered political asylum by Taiwan , China 's old foe .
18 There is strong lobbying pressure for the governments that control portions of the polar ice caps not to build settlements there .
19 The context of the partisan struggle was altered as a result of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 , which modified the relationship between the Crown and Parliament , created new issues for the government as England became involved in major European warfare , and transformed the relationship of the two parties towards the Court as the Whigs came to hold political power for the first time and the Tories discovered what it was like to be in opposition .
20 This style , critics allege , is accentuated by Britain 's two-party system and unfair ( because disproportional ) first past the post electoral system , which produces virtually full power for the government and virtual impotence for the opposition .
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