Example sentences of "[noun] for the [det] time " in BNC.

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1 So far this year , drugs officers have made more than 130 seizures — twice the figure for the same time last year .
2 — Department store bosses trying to try on clothes in their fiddly little changing rooms ( you can always tell people who 've been clothes shopping they 're the ones with the bruised elbows ) ; — Town planners and architects who think steps are an interesting feature trying to get up them in a wheelchair , with a pram , or just with creaky old legs ; — Hospital consultants who make ten appointments for the same time waiting in out-patients , especially if it 's the day when there 's a dotty old lady , a whining child and an old man who coughs and spits all in the same little section ; — Weird fashion experts wearing their crazier outfits in Darlington on a rainy Monday .
3 I 'm not naive , I know others will make more be back with more bids because he 's such a top -class goal scorer , ’ says the manager , who has just signed a contract keeping him at Hillsborough for the same time as Hirst .
4 John Taylor , the Unionist MP for South Tyrone , also made representations and the Ulster Protestant Volunteers , a body led by Ian Paisley , announced a meeting for the same time and place as the civil rights rally .
5 WHO ( 1988 ) provide statistics for the 65 — 74 age group for the United Kingdom for the same time period as Alderson and Ashwood ( 1985 ) .
6 You can marinate the skinned and boned whole breasts in the marinade for the same time , or slice into think steaks and flatten them into very thin paillards .
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