Example sentences of "[noun] for [art] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The nine months of pregnancy is a period of adjustment , a slow coming to terms with change and preparation for the excitement ahead .
2 Every time another load of red shale appeared we raked and then raked some more in preparation for the rolling later in the week .
3 These words , however , as counsel for the respondent correctly pointed out , do no more than indicate the circumstances in which consent may be negatived .
4 Flavia Sherman smiled sympathetically at Chuck for a moment then turned to her husband with an ill-concealed sigh of exasperation .
5 ‘ Now the Uridians ca n't afford to produce enough marioc for the government there to keep the Furus sweet . ’
6 Some of the reasons for the caring so often falling on the shoulders of a woman may be unavoidable .
7 The authors put the reasons for the concentration mainly down to mergers between accounting firms , and voluntary auditor changes .
8 From women 's point of view , changes in the occupational structure which gave young women in the twentieth century more opportunity for a career also reduced the need to marry out of pure economic necessity , which in turn increased the importance of companionship within marriage .
9 Coun Long said there was no reason not to apply for planning permission for the platform even though work would probably not begin until 1993 at the earliest .
10 If you wanted planning permission for the land so badly , why could n't you just ask ? ’
11 Now all I have to do is persuade you to sign a contract for a lot longer than six months , and we 've got ourselves a deal .
12 Meanwhile it is important to remember that if the leading officials in the British Foreign Office were becoming increasingly hostile towards the USSR , Attlee was still putting the case for an accommodation as late as January 1947 .
13 Although the United States accepted the case for the dollar eventually being convertible into SDRs , in its view this had to result from the dollar being sufficiently competitive to generate enough capital and current account surpluses over a period to make convertibility a reality .
14 Hathor 's drunkenness was clearly beneficial to men and Re ordered that henceforth festivals honouring Hathor should include drink , an appropriate provision for a goddess usually presiding over music , dancing and love .
15 One is the practical one of providing a separate part for the harpsichordist so that the two instrumentalists would not have to look over her shoulder .
16 It would be expected that if there was no right field advantage for a stimulus then the RFA would be aproximately 0.5 as the values for the left and right visual field would be about the same .
17 I have lived in Germany for a year now , all the time .
18 In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the Association 's affairs at November 30 , 1992 and of its deficit for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 .
19 Or more likely it 's a good excuse for a party abroad . ’
20 It 's just a matter of er , i I mean all we need to do is , is , is sort out a sort of formal agreement with Elliel that , you know , and how , how the management company or the limited company 's going to sort of manage the place and th then we 'll er got to , you know , we 've got two people who 've got a , a very successful business they 're actually drinks ' suppliers , Morecambe Bay Wines and Spirits er , who are gon na come in and have er they 'll sign the cheque for the rent there and then , I mean it 's er it 's a matter of just th you know , all it is is , is they 're saying well , you know what actually is the formal arrangement ?
21 They wrote out a cheque for the place there and then and became the owners of their own pub .
22 There 's hope for the boy yet ! ’
23 ‘ Do you know , ’ he said , ‘ it 's at times like this I think there 's hope for the universe yet . ’
24 Educational vocationalism does not seem to offer much hope for the reform either of education or of the labour market .
25 He 's not down as a as a driver for the minibus now .
26 At the coronation , which took place in Moscow at the end of August 1856 , Levshin , the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs , quizzed gentry representatives from many parts of the empire on the question of emancipation and found sympathy for the idea only among the north-westerners whose feelings on the matter had already been communicated to the tsar .
27 The Branch is determined to take a positive approach and plans a full range of social and fund-raising activities for the year ahead .
28 From a private carriage aboard the McKinley Explorer , travel to Denali National Park for a tour deep into the wilderness .
29 He thought that he lost his hold on sanity for a time then ; he knew , later , that the black despair and the agony of loneliness had closed about him fully , and for an unmeasurable time while his reason spun wildly out of control .
30 Got on one tube and that broke down from the end of she 's at Liverpool Street then she had to go different end to Oxford Street , but she ended up in Charing Cross then she got on another tube line at Charing Cross and then that broke down , so she said it took hours , then she gave a taxi , had to get a taxi back to Oxford Street and , and from Oxford Street back to Waterloo and it 's four pound and he gave her a change for a tenner instead , and she gave him a twenty pound note but , you know she 's absolutely haggard , so I said it 's just as well she can have a cup of tea before she goes , I just told her briefly about that so , erm , Carla 's a bit late ai n't she ?
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