Example sentences of "[noun] was always [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Murder was always solved at a cost , sometimes to himself , more often to others .
2 Yet , their frame of mind was always streaked with anxiety that caused them both to be forever on the watch .
3 Follow up sclerotharapy was always done after 48 hours unless recurrent bleeding occurred earlier and then at one to two seeks ' interval during the same hospital stay .
4 At the beginning I was simply a labourer , which entailed doing all the preparation on the ground and ensuring that Eric on the roof was always supplied with materials to work with .
5 The social chapter was always going to be the item over which the opposition forces would coalesce .
6 ‘ The stopping and cutting of tape was always said to be very expensive , not only in the cost of the tape but also in the man hours needed to do it .
7 It was Hornblower 's nature to find no pleasure in achieving things he could do ; his ambition was always yearning after the impossible , to appear a strong silent capable man , unmoved by emotion .
8 The administration was always discomposed by evidence of Masai unfaithfulness , reacting to it with pained surprise if not outright disbelief .
9 Dana was always balanced between the two , whereas I would fluctuate for long periods — a year or two in the male , a year or two in the female scale , with often sharp and distressing adjustments of behaviour and character .
10 His work was always informed by a strong historical sense , and he made distinguished contributions to the history of both logic and philosophy .
11 The local children used to play in the cutting and had for a long time fancied the hut as a den or HQ for their games , but the hut was always locked by a large padlock securing a hasp that was red with rust but still secured the door .
12 Alexei was always taken by surprise by the Yek talent for blunt speaking , ‘ That being the case , ’ he said , ‘ I am surprised you have given your consent to your daughter 's betrothal to me . ’
13 When asked what further services clients and their carers would wish , more home help was always given as their first priority .
14 Although when awarded the Bessemer medal in 1883 Thomas acknowledged Gilchrist 's ‘ unwearied exertions , conspicuous energy and ability ’ , Gilchrist was always overshadowed by his romantic inventive cousin , his vivacious mother , and his talented brother , the painter Herbert Harlakenden Gilchrist .
15 Relative coverage of Labour and Conservative was always biased towards the Conservative government but the degree of bias increased sharply ( it tripled ) in the fourth week of the campaign .
16 Japanese rule in Korea was always controlled by the military : each governor-general was a general or an admiral .
17 Historically , Scotland was always perceived as the premier West Coast market on which the case for electrification from Weaver Junction to Glasgow ( Motherwell ) was made .
18 Known throughout the army as ‘ le Capucin Botté ’ ( the Fighting Friar ) , in his entourage de Castelnau was always accompanied by his own private chaplain , a Rabelaisian Jesuit who also happened to be his nephew .
19 Blakeney Upper Mill was always used as a corn mill .
20 And Strandli was always threatening in his lone attacking role because of his strength and speed ’ .
21 ‘ The man Angy was always talking about ?
22 Moor Scope battled on gamely to retake the lead from Impy Condor on the flat in the Confined and Farmer Tom was always going like a winner in the Restricted race , in which Alner and even-money favourite Baron Bob crashed at the second fence .
23 In the Mughal court great importance was always given to small details of protocol and privilege : the colour of a turban , the number of jewels in a noble 's dagger , the place he was assigned in the Red Fort : all these things had significance as subtle indicators to an omrah 's place in the ranking of the empire .
24 This hair and scalp massage was always accompanied by loud masculine grunts and heavy breathing and gasps of ‘ Ahhh , that 's better !
25 A second reason for flexibility was even more fundamental : for all its importance , the Algerian crisis was always subordinated in de Gaulle 's mind to the larger issue of French power and prestige .
26 He loved her humour and the fact that she treated him as an equal , although their business was always conducted on the most formal lines .
27 Hospice medication was always given in doses adequate to give relief of pain and other symptoms , even at the risk of shortening life , and this could improve , of only temporarily , the quality of life of the patient as it drew to its close .
28 Bruce Jones , a leading leisure analyst at the broker , Smith New Court , said the outcome was always going to be difficult to call , ‘ given that Cook 's 8 per cent stake was a blocking factor ’ .
29 Beneath the photograph was printed not her name , but a sobriquet , a common practice — Mrs Langtry was always know as ‘ The Jersey Lily ’ .
30 It was one of the reasons that earlier discussions with Thames Television fell through — though Blackeyes was always designed as a movie or a BBC series .
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