Example sentences of "[noun] was [adj] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A late election will also be acceptable where at a crucial time one of the signatories or a signatory 's agent was unavailable for unforeseeable reasons ( such as a serious illness ) and there was no one else who could reasonably be expected to stand in the agent 's shoes .
2 The distribution of the data was Gaussian for normal and inflamed squamous oesophagitis and therefore analysis of variance was used to calculate the significance of intergroup distribution compared with intragroup variation to 95% confidence intervals .
3 In four patients cannulation of the portal vein was impossible for anatomical reasons .
4 Until recently , even though a man who had to give up his job to care for someone at home was eligible for invalid care allowance , a co-habitating or married woman who did the same , was not eligible .
5 The fall was significant for premature cardiovascular deaths up to 65 years of age ( x≥5.0 , p=0.02 ) .
6 Yonge 's father sat in Richard Cromwell 's Parliament and at the Restoration was active for religious comprehension .
7 Its diet appears to have been soft fruit , which appeared to contradict the suggestion that thick enamel was adaptive for hard fruit diets ; but the more recent conclusion that the microwear of the much earlier thick-enamelled hominoid from Pasalar is indicative of a hard-fruit diet suggests that there was a dietary shift after the development of thick enamel , with dietary change independent of morphology .
8 Such a notice or land charge can be filed after contracts have been exchanged , as was established by Roth v Tyler [ 1973 ] 1 All ER 897 , and in that case the seller-husband was liable for substantial damages , not ( as was urged on his behalf ) only the nominal damages to which a buyer is entitled if his seller is unable to deduce a good title .
9 Commenting on the possibility of German reunification , Worner said that a debate within the alliance on that issue was a matter of time , and that NATO was ready for eventual reunification if it was the expressed will of the German people .
10 Not only were lines built to tap it , not only did almost every station become a distribution centre in all those areas where the fossil fuel was vital for domestic and industrial use , but trains themselves in many countries ran on it .
11 That single room was unfit for human habitation .
12 Under the old system , a person was eligible for supplementary benefit if their resources were below their requirements .
13 If disaster struck and many of these things were destroyed , the name itself preserved in some form or other was sufficient for eternal survival .
14 The firm of Waring & Gillow was responsible for contemporary furniture in many large houses , and supplied the Dolls ' House with typical , practical pieces for staff bedrooms .
15 Although " this offer has been accepted by Marshal Tito " , it had " subsequently been discovered that these troops had not in fact entered Austria … it was possible to turn them over to Marshal Tito in complete formation , and prevention of infiltration into Austria was essential for operational reasons " .
16 The strategic position of Egypt in relation to the Arabian Peninsula was decisive for American crisis planning under the Carter Doctrine .
17 In most places the track over these ridges was impassable for loaded camels until we had widened and levelled it .
18 Being in the Venetian Republic there was much freedom of thought in this university and the medical school in particular under the great anatomist Fabricius was famous for experimental work .
19 It should be remembered that the modern movement was responsible for great moral and social improvements when one looks sentimentally at the past .
20 In the ELISA technique only one of 68 Crohn 's disease patients was positive for perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies .
21 The state was responsible for full employment policies .
22 In one study analysis of dietary histories in 29 of 50 diabetics revealed that compliance was adequate for unrefined carbohydrate ( 39 per cent daily energy ) , fibre ( 34 g/day ) and sodium ( 100 mmol/day ) , although dietary fat was higher than intended ( 33 per cent daily energy ) ( Pacy et al , 1984c ) .
23 Peter said that although fifth was a respectable position he felt the team was capable of pushing for the top spot and added the society was eager for new blood .
24 Some respondents considered that since the rationale was inappropriate for Religious Education in Catholic schools all else that followed was likewise inappropriate .
25 While local government was responsible for public health , and for the rudimentary planning , housing and hospital functions required to help achieve more sanitary urban areas , education was made the responsibility of separately elected school boards .
26 The interior was notable for medieval woodwork , important funerary monuments , and fine stained glass , some of it medieval and all now severely damaged .
27 At Oxford and at Cambridge , the new science degrees ( like those in modern languages and history ) led to a BA , and knowledge of Latin and Greek was essential for would-be students of chemistry or physics .
28 In our study , renal size was adequate for ultrasound-guided biopsy in 15 ( 68% ) patients with AonCRF and was , therefore , not a good discriminator between ARF and AonCRF .
29 Following the approach suggested in the Wilson case , the Court of Appeal held that the pilot was eligible for unfair dismissal rights .
30 Mary Law was aware that videoing lessons was difficult for probationary teachers :
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