Example sentences of "[noun] is [verb] [prep] to " in BNC.

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1 How does a husband or wife , or fiance , feel when a stranger is depended upon to a greater extent than he or she may be ?
2 Deferred taxation is accounted for to the extent that a liability or an asset is expected to crystallise .
3 Well I think that message is getting across to the P L P and we 've seen more women coming into the House of Commons , sitting on the Labour benches at the last general election , but there also is a sense that the progress , although it 's being made , needs to be speeded up , because when you have profound social changes outside the House of Commons , with a change in women 's role in society , a change in women 's role in the Labour force , and a change in women 's role in the family as well , you ca n't allow your parliament to lag behind .
4 If you want to home to a beacon , find out what your QDM is , by turning the OBS knob until the left/right needle is centred with TO showing .
5 Right , now if you do n't interact right you 're not gon na get a result and if the customer does not interact with you , then you 're not gon na get a result , right , now if you assume that as you 're working your way through that appointment that your enthusiasm is passing across to the customer or anybody else who is in the room , right , right , but through that interaction right you 're working towards a result , now if you go and come out of that office , about his , with a result , you 'll know you 'll know what you 're getting next week or next month you got ta I mean the customer 's got ta be at the
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