Example sentences of "[noun] is [adv] part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the Auvergne is topographically part of the vast Massif Central of south-central France ; in consequence only a third of its land area is under 400m in altitude .
2 To them murder is now part of their lives , a piece in the fabric of their souls .
3 In this expansion lies the freedom that comes with it ; for this journey and enlargement of the mind is also part of man 's endless quest for growth and self-fulfilment .
4 A demonstration is only part of the teaching process ; the rest , such as the presentation and analysis of the theoretical knowledge on which the procedures are based , the teaching and practice of necessary skills , the evaluation of the procedures , and extension work such as the construction of contingency plans for related but different emergencies , must take place in follow-up sessions .
5 The progress department is sometimes part of the production department and sometimes a separate entity .
6 Lack of funds is only part of the answer in explaining the ad hoc nature of change and the limited extent of it .
7 In fact the channelling of reports and dissertations towards educationally productive goals is merely part of a wider and far more important issue , that of establishing a new climate of opinion among teachers and those who train them which regards enquiry about the learners and the environment in which they learn as an important part of a teacher 's professional life , which seeks to develop interests and provide skills for them to do so as part of their training and retraining and which rewards initiatives undertaken in college and subsequently .
8 The installation of these CFC-free units is just part of a drive to phase out ozone-depleting refrigerants at head office
9 This is important to those involved with it , for whom that engagement is only part of a continuing career pattern .
10 A Franciscan brother from the college is now part of the group and , wearing his habit , he held all of us spellbound with a simple but profound account of the calling of St Francis , his life and teaching , and of his own response to this .
11 This is true of all the special need problems discussed in this book , but particularly so in the case of the mentally ill and handicapped when a breakdown in normal social relationships is often part of the actual disorder .
12 Interaction with UK Industry is usually part of each programme , and opportunities are increasing to serve on international collaborative research programmes .
13 But such innocence is only part of the story .
14 When we view a scene , we are gaining an impression of our surroundings by the way in which light is absorbed or reflected from objects , but light is only part of a vast spectrum of electromagnetic waves .
15 The big screen shocker is just part of ex-Beatle McCartney 's up-front tactics campaign against whaling .
16 Finding the monster is only part of the objective .
17 whether it 's a large economic growth in Europe in places like Milan , Innsbruck er Barcelona , all have these systems where an extra terminal capacity is only part of the jigsaw that 's had to be met .
18 The counsellor has to avoid the simplistic but often convenient idea that older people withdraw from social activities and friendships because they no longer want them , or because withdrawal is inherently part of the nature of old age .
19 The submarine work is actually part of a much larger contract that we have with Israel to build three Corvettes for them , worth $300m ( £187m ) , at the Ingalls yards in Mississippi .
20 A short period of travel in Mediterranean countries is also part of all these degrees , and funds are available to assist with this .
21 The reader must decide , by attending to other clues , whether the continuation is still part of the reported speech , or whether it has reverted to the ‘ author 's voice ’ .
22 However , the need for whole-school approaches to management is only part of the problem .
23 But this three-tier core is just part of the overall picture .
24 If the primary circuit is also part of a central heating circuit , this will also need filling and some of the radiators may need bleeding afterwards to let out air .
25 Eastman Ross is now part of a group with an annual turnover of nearly £6 million , a headquarters and 16 sites , including those in in Glasgow and Edinburgh .
26 The exception to this rule is any country chair where the turning is actually part of the joint , as in the Windsor chair .
27 Thus we commend the Bible to be read by the Churches and by Christian families in their homes , as nourishment for their souls , and not to be separated from the sacrament in the liturgy ; we commend modern translations , into the various languages , as a help to understanding ; we commend the people who have the duty of seeking to interpret the Bible in terms of the modern scientific view of the world ; and remind the Churches that all knowledge is of God and therefore that scientific discovery is also part of His work ; and so the world will be brought to know God as its Maker , and the Cross as timeless .
28 The hillside is now part of the country club complex .
29 The new gallery is only part of the deal with KJP .
30 This house for many years remembered as an old-fashioned bookshop is now part of a modern solicitor 's office .
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