Example sentences of "[noun] is [art] one [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bob 's already indicated that he does n't , he wants to do everything he possibly can to avoid us having to affect service levels okay , and obviously the overtime is the one thing that really is , stands out as being the issue anything else cos I mean our salary costs are there , there or thereabouts erm with the temps in it , erm we know we 've got erm some temps .
2 Bereavement is the one battle in which people dice with a death that has already occurred in order to survive all the dangers of the loss and deprivation it brings , and it takes courage to stand shoulder to shoulder with someone who is in the thick of it .
3 Flight Simulator is the one exception , as it animation is too jerky under Windows .
4 Live work is the one area where the artists and audience meet face to face .
5 He said : ‘ Too few people realise that the independence of the judges is the one thing that stands between John Citizen and the abuse of power by governments of whatever colour .
6 The liver is the one organ in the abdomen in which MRI has been shown to be slightly better than computed tomography in the detection of focal lesions .
7 He was convinced that , in the words of the Barmen Declaration which he with others drafted in May 1934 in opposition to the German Christians , ‘ Jesus Christ as he is attested to us in Holy Scripture is the one Word of God , which we have to hear , and which we have to trust and obey in life and in death . ’
8 What British people so often fail to understand is that the old inter-island divisions and prejudices that have always dogged Caribbean life are still present , and that a successful cricket team is the one thing that transcends this fragmentation .
9 Marketing is the one function of management which has to be more concerned with what is going on outside the organization than with what is happening internally .
10 Swimming is the one sport in which black people trail behind whites .
11 Health and safety is the one area where shop stewards , safety representatives have to deal with on a daily basis .
12 Your wedding day is the one time in your life that you can live out your wildest dreams and most romantic fantasies .
13 For better or for worse , DOS is the one thing which unites PCs and their users .
14 This procedure is the one labelled{ 3 .
15 The Nuang Ase is the one day in the year when the taboo against women boarding the prahus may be broken , and they brought with them a feast , including the black goat of the earth and the white cock of the sky which had been sacrificed in our hull the night before .
16 This side of the cabriolet , the new S is the one Escort that needs drivers on its side .
17 Mulberry is the one company to have successfully transcended the difference between city and country — probably because they are all true classics .
18 ‘ Old Trafford is the one ground I have wanted to play at more than any other , ’ said Johnson , 21 .
19 After I came back from America , I decided to go into business , you see , and naturally tourism is the one business that wo n't fail — not with our climate , and with the lovely beaches around Samana . ’
20 Slater reckons ‘ Apple is the one company that will make PowerPC happen ’ .
21 He identified with the Barmen Declaration that : ‘ Jesus Christ is the one Word of God which we are required to hear … we repudiate the false teachings that the Church must recognize other teachings and other personalities alongside this one Word of God . ’
22 Unhysterically told , the message is that the cocaine trade is the one branch of American commerce that these thoroughly American kids are allowed into .
23 The fading Argentine superstar said : ‘ Gascoigne is the one player I can see taking over from me on the world stage . ’
24 H'eye tech — mascara is the one make-up item few women would be without and we 've come a long way since the days of mascaras that smudged or flaked around the eyes .
25 I always feel happier or calmer with a pen in my hand , for writing is the one activity which gives me an unquestionable dignity and , if I may dare to claim it , an unconquerable pride .
26 The Responsible Society is the one organisation working in this general field that is not explicitly Christian in outlook .
27 Love is the one thing we have against the implacable tyranny of time .
28 The reason the trade union movement should support the Maastricht Treaty is it 's the only Treaty that is on offer , there 's nothing else on offer but it 's a reasonable Treaty , it has differences in the U K and the reasons it has differences in the U K is the one Mr Major came back last December tell us what a wonderful opportunity it was for Britain , what a wonderful success it was for Britain that he 'd opted out of the Social Chapter .
29 Britain is the one country in the world which is a net exporter of spirits but our competitiveness is not helped by the high level of excise we have to pay . ’
30 ‘ So music is the one thing that weakens your British reserve , Shelley ? ’
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