Example sentences of "[noun] to which it [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 To match the pattern , turn in the side of one width of fabric and line up the pattern with the width to which it will be joined .
2 Like the air force 's B-2 bomber and F-117 fighter it was to use " stealth " materials and design in order to minimize the degree to which it would be subject to radar detection .
3 The Trust will on occasion be faced with a Wordsworthian dilemma over the degree to which it should promote some of its more sensitive properties , but the commitment to providing welcoming access for its members and visitors is an unwavering one .
4 Holland had both a tradition of national independence to which it could look back , and important colonial possessions , but , like Belgium , was formally ‘ new ’ .
5 Two centuries later , the Enlightenment returns : but not at all as a way for the West to take cognizance of its present possibilities and of the liberties to which it can have access , but as a way of interrogating it on its limits and on the powers which it has abused .
6 The contents of the racist pathology and the material circumstances to which it can be made to correspond are thus left untouched .
7 accept the SSR and specify the range of versions of their package to which it should refer
8 The PLO failed to secure a UN-supervised peace conference to which it would send a delegation to represent " the Palestinian people " [ see pp. 38167 ] .
9 Nor is it quite like a Papal Encyclical , or a biblical prophecy , for sociology has no basic authority of revealed truth to which it can appeal .
10 She moved in a way that seemed to emphasize the body beneath the clothes , to hint at the purposes to which it might be put .
11 British town planning , both as a movement and as a profession , found that it had a relevance to wider questions to which it could respond .
12 Physics is interesting in having connotations of both : as a physical science , its discoveries ( and the skills it gives to its graduates ) have obvious uses for industry ; while its status as a ‘ pure ’ rather than an ‘ applied ’ science gives it the appearance of being removed from the uses to which it may be put .
13 I would support strongly a bigger Government grant for acquisitions because there are many good uses to which it could be put .
14 At a very early stage a whole staff meeting may be the best way to discuss with staff the concept of the plan , the issues concerned with its construction and the uses to which it will be put .
15 The first step in compiling a media list is to define the uses to which it will be put .
16 The characteristics of an asset include both its financial properties and the uses to which it can be put .
17 This meant that while from our side they appeared cautious and reactionary , for the Board they provided a cheerful dawn chorus to which it could always confidently wake up .
18 Bradford 's scientific contribution to the programme will be in the development of photocatalytic particles of high activity , in addition to which it will fulfill the management role of Project Coordination between the partners and with the E.C .
19 In the case of a sale by auction the standard special conditions which incorporate , in turn , the standard conditions can be very simply adapted to the transaction , but remember to insert , in cases to which it will be applicable , a clause providing that the sale is subject to a reserve , unless you can rely on such a provision in the standard conditions , which by reference you incorporate in the special conditions of sale .
20 The company anticipates that the personal communicator will open up new markets and will prove an ideal base to which it can add its own technology — the Digital European Cordless Telecommunications system .
21 Where objects are deliberately unique it may be that they are intended to signify some generic concept of uniqueness , such as in art ; the object is then both an individual form and an example of a larger category to which it must be related .
22 This is by no means the end of the matter , but enough has been stated to show the breadth of the definition of development and the technical complexities to which it can give rise .
23 To what then is the human psychobiological system adapted and what are the limits to which it can adjust without an excessive strain leading ultimately to reduced reproductive ability ?
24 If you are circulating a petition , be sure to put the address to which it should be returned .
25 Just as the higher law of life stops an apple held in my hand from obeying the law of gravity to which it would otherwise be subject , so the law ( as he daringly calls it ) of the Spirit overcomes the sin death principle to which the Christian would otherwise be subject .
26 The status of the proembryo , and the laboratory procedures to which it may or may not be subjected , have been the subject of extensive debates and discussions .
27 However , that was a matter which SACHR raised with me only this week and made it clear that it was a subject to which it would return .
28 The degree of stability to which it could attain remained to be seen .
29 Reiterating their support for Greek autonomy , they declared that , if the Turks did not accept international mediation within a month , they would enter into commercial relations with the Greeks and " determine the ulterior measures to which it may become necessary to resort " .
30 Note that the inflection occurring with the transposed lexical item has remained in its grammatically correct position , rather than moving with the base item to which it would normally have been attached .
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